4 Mistakes to Avoid While Relishing the King of Fruits, Mango
4 Mistakes to Avoid While Relishing the King of Fruits, Mango
Even though we like this wonderful fruit, consuming too many mangoes could be harmful to your health if done improperly

People eagerly await the arrival of this in-season fruit at the supermarket each year so they can enjoy mango. Mango is a fruit that is commonly used in the summer in drinks, desserts, and smoothies. Every variety of mango, grown in various parts of the country, has a distinct flavour all its own. In addition to being delicious, they also provide nutrients including minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that hydrate the body and protect it from disease during the hot months.

Seasonal fruits are for everyone, and yes, that includes mango even if you have diabetes, according to nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary. However, the quantity is crucial when consuming fruits that may cause blood sugar levels to rise. No single technique to eat fruit exists, and the expert shares frequent blunders to avoid when partaking of the king of fruits.


  1. Avoid Shakes & Juices:Juices and shakes should not be consumed because they include additional sugar and dairy, which will cause your insulin levels to jump.
  2. Don’t Take It in the Morning:Avoid taking it in the morning because it will make you feel hungry all day.
  3. Add Nuts to It:It is best to eat it with almonds as a mid-morning or evening snack to prevent blood sugar levels from rising.
  4. Limitation of Quantity:100g or less per day. Because even though mango has a moderate glycemic index and low glycemic load, we often overlook the fact that some people already have impaired glucose tolerance. For example, if you have diabetes or insulin resistance, all carbohydrates—not just mango—will affect your body differently. Because no one is informing you that eating more than 100 to 120 grammes in a single day raises your glycemic index, which might cause your insulin levels to surge and fall quickly.

The high antioxidant content of mangoes has a number of advantages for your health. Consuming mangos may improve immunity, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve digestion. However, eating too many mangos could cause allergies and diarrhoea. Therefore, practise moderation and avoid mangoes if you have a mango allergy.

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