Neymar returns to training after back injury
Neymar returns to training after back injury
Neymar has returned to training after passing a medical exam as he continues his recovery from a fractured vertebra, said Barcelona.

Barcelona: Barcelona says Brazil striker Neymar has returned to training after passing a medical exam as he continues his recovery from a fractured vertebra.

Neymar fractured a vertebra in his back after a collision with Colombian defender Juan Camilo Zuniga during the World Cup quarter-finals last month.

The Brazilian striker trained away from his teammates on Tuesday after being examined by team doctors.

The club says Neymar's progress will determine when he rejoins the team for regular training.

Barcelona also welcomed back Lionel Messi on Tuesday after a standard medical exam as he begins his preseason preparations ahead of the start of the season.

Barcelona hosts Elche on August 24 in the opening match of the Spanish league season.

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