Wenger's Barca obsession hurting Arsenal: Ex-coach
Wenger's Barca obsession hurting Arsenal: Ex-coach
Ex-manager says Wenger doesn't care enough about silverware.

Former Arsenal manager George Graham has questioned the effectiveness of the club's current brand of football, suggesting that Arsene Wenger's desire to emulate Barcelona is hampering his side's chances of winning trophies.

The Gunners have long been regarded as one of the most attractive teams in Europe, but their silky pass-and-move game hasn't brought them any tangible success in the last five years.

Furthermore, the north London outfit's recent record against their 'big four' rivals in the Premier League is poor, as evidenced by their capitulation against Manchester United last weekend.

They will have a chance to redeem themselves this Sunday when they tackle Chelsea, but Graham sees little hope of a positive outcome unless Wenger institutes a sudden, drastic change of philosophy.

The Scot said in The Sun: "Arsenal have a major problem in the big games and are being beaten comprehensively by their main rivals.

"Arsene Wenger is a great believer in total football. He loves the way Barcelona play and I think he wants Arsenal to evolve that way. But there is a big question mark over whether you could ever do that in English football.

"When Arsene came to Arsenal he had great success based around players with technique, athleticism, power, intensity and aggression. So the question I'd love to ask him now is, 'Why have you changed that philosophy?'

"Looking at United's back four last Sunday, I thought Arsenal had a real chance of beating them. But, boy, was I wrong. Arsenal just didn't have the same intensity as United.

"In all their recent games against United and Chelsea, Arsenal have been beaten comprehensively. It's not a one-off. It's been happening regularly."

Graham - often slated for his pragmatic approach during his Highbury days - went on to claim that a major part of the problem at the Emirates Stadium is that Wenger has come to prioritise performances over results.

He said: "Everyone loves to watch Arsenal because they pass the ball quicker and better than any other team. But if Arsene has got a Plan B for when things are going wrong, I can't see it.

"When I was the Arsenal manager I said, 'We will take some criticism but I will give you trophies'. Arsene's priority isn't winning trophies, it is the way they play."

The 65-year-old also suggested that the lack of incoming silverware could force the club's star players to consider seeking employment elsewhere.

"Arsenal have played wonderful football for the last four years but they haven't won anything - that's when some players will become restless," Graham said.

"Cesc Fabregas knows he could go to Barcelona and would be virtually guaranteed to win trophies. That is what the boy has to think about."

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