- Cigars have a wide array of flavors (fruity, nutty, spicy, and everything in between) that can be enjoyed on their own or paired with a food or beverage.
- Many people like smoking cigars because they associate them with special occasions like birthdays, holidays, and weddings.
- Smoking cigars releases pleasurable chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine into the brain, and taking long steady puffs can relieve stress.
Cigars last longer than cigarettes.
People like puffing on stogies, because they can last for hours. While smoking, in general, is a popular way for people to unwind, most cigars last well over an hour, compared to pipes which usually only last about 30 minutes, and cigarettes which only last about 5. Smoking for longer allows more time for relaxation and peaceful reflection. How long each cigar lasts depends on the cigar’s size. Larger stogies like Churchills (which usually measure about 7 inches with a 47-ring gauge) last about 90 minutes, while smaller Belicosos (5 inches with a 54-ring gauge) last about 45.
Cigars have a rich flavor that people enjoy.
Cigars have several subtle tastes that stimulate the senses. These tastes can be earthy, nutty, minty, spicy, sweet, or all of the above. Some people even compare the flavor of a top-notch cigar to the flavor of a delicious coffee or expensive wine. Other popular flavors include citrus fruits (orange zest, lemon, tangerine), oaky woods (cedar, pine, hickory), and floral herbs (rose petals, lavender, honeysuckle). You can also enhance the flavor of your cigar by soaking a cotton pad in liquid cigar flavoring and storing the moist pad with your cigar in a humidor for at least a week. Clean and prepare your cigar humidor before you begin this storage process.
Cigars give people a powerful nicotine buzz.
Smoking cigars produces a rush of gleeful exhilaration. Cigars can’t get you high like other drugs can. However, the nicotine in various tobacco products activates specific receptors in the brain and central nervous system. It also releases euphoric chemicals like norepinephrine, which helps us feel happy and focused. This temporary buzz helps a lot of smokers when their moods and energy are low. The average cigar contains 100-200 milligrams of nicotine which is more than a whole pack of unfiltered cigarettes.
People use cigars to celebrate major milestones.
Smoking cigars is a classic way to celebrate special occasions. Because cigars are pricier and more lavish in their flavors, most people view them as a once-in-a-while treat rather than a daily indulgence. The most common events people bring out a stogie for are birthdays, weddings, holidays, and major accomplishments (engagements, promotions, etc.) Limiting your cigar use to 1-2 times a year for unique occasions can help reduce the health risks associated with tobacco, and make smoking feel more special.
Cigars are a symbol of sophistication and maturity.
In several cultures, people smoke to show they’re ready for adulthood. Cigars are associated with high social status, coming of age, and rebellion. We see images of wealthy leaders smoking stogies at meetings and parties, and punk rock nonconformists smoking in the streets. In some countries, cigars are even linked to masculinity. Therefore, it’s likely a lot of young people (especially young men) will try smoking cigars at least once to help get a firmer grasp on their identity.
Smoking cigars is a deep-seated tradition in many cultures.
Handing out cigars has a cultural history stretching back to the 1400s. Dating back to the century Indigenous Peoples of North America, the use of cigars has been a joyous custom for hundreds of years. Fathers in Colonial America handed them out to commemorate the births of their children (and have done so since) and South American families have rolled them to re-establish a connection to their roots. Some people smoke as a family tradition and a respectful gesture to their ancestors. There are certain manners associated with traditional cigar smoking. For example, bring your own blade to cut your cigar before smoking it. In addition, light the stogie evenly and ash it regularly. Never leave a traditional cigar half-smoked!
Smoking cigars can decrease anxiety.
Studies have shown that cigars and other tobacco products relieve stress. When inhaled in long drags, nicotine can serve as a natural tranquilizer. In addition, breathing plays a critical role in regulating and controlling nerves. Since cigar smoke is inhaled and exhaled at a steady rate, this can help get people’s breathing under control which produces a calming effect. Likewise, inhaling in short, quick puffs can produce a stimulating effect that increases heart rate and makes people feel more energized.
Cigars help people unwind after a long day.
Lots of people associate smoking cigars with relaxation. Most adults like to enjoy a cigar when decompressing after a long day at work. Making a habit of this over time causes cigars to become associated with relaxation. Regardless of the actual scientific properties of cigars, psychologically relating them to tranquility makes us think of them positively, which makes us more likely to smoke them whenever we want to calm our nerves.
Cigars pair well with meals and beverages.
Cigars have value as a simulant, a relaxant, and a culinary add-on. Because of their unique and subtle mixes of flavors, pairing a cigar with the right food or beverage can take the taste to a new level. For example, the creamy smoke and sweet wood of an Oliva complement the fruity tartness of wine while the spicy musk of a Cubana can match the meaty strength of a steak and whiskey dinner bite-for-bite. The best drinks to pair a cigar with are port wines, spirits (mainly scotch, bourbon, and rum), coffees, and IPAs.
Cigars increase dopamine production in the nervous system.
The nicotine in cigars releases lots of pleasurable chemicals to the brain. While the flavor of cigars is certainly mouth-watering, most people smoke stogies because of the way it affects them mentally. Cigars stimulate the release of dopamine, the primary chemical associated with rewards and satisfaction. A long toke of a cigar can give us the same surge we would feel after eating a delicious meal or winning a bunch of money. As smokers continue to use nicotine, the number of dopamine receptors in their brain increases. Because cigars release dopamine, they could theoretically help fight diseases caused by dopamine deficiency too like ADHD, depression, and even Parkinson’s. However, more research is necessary.
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