12 "Thank You for Attending" Email Templates for Professional Events
12 "Thank You for Attending" Email Templates for Professional Events
After holding a successful event like a business conference, a training, or a fundraiser, it's appropriate to everyone who participated in it a "thank you for joining us" email. This email expresses your sincere gratitude for the attendee's contributions, whether they were a volunteer, a sponsor, or simply a guest. In this article, we'll share 12 "thank you for joining us" email templates for any kind of professional event. We'll also explain how, when, and why to write your own emails.
How to Say \"Thank You for Joining Us\"

12 Thank You for Joining Us Email Templates

Example 1: Thank You for a Successful EventSubject line: We were a hit!Hello [Name of recipient],I wanted to reach out on behalf of our entire team at [organization name] and thank you for your participation in our event. We were a huge hit! Attendance was record-high and everyone I talked to raved about the decorations, the food, and the service.Truly, we couldn't have made it this far without you! Thank you again for helping make the event a successful one.I'll be emailing you again soon with more opportunities in the near future!Sincerely,[Your name] and the [Organization name] Team

Example 2: For Attending a ConferenceSubject line: Thank you for attending the conference! Dear [Name of recipient],I'm emailing to express my gratitude to you for attending our conference! I hope you enjoyed our lively discussion panels and found the information shared by our speakers helpful and actionable.If you enjoyed this event, make sure you're subscribed so you're the first to be notified when our next one is scheduled. We have exciting plans in the works so stay tuned!Thank you again and please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [your email address] if you have any feedback, questions about the conference, or where to find the resources we shared at the event.Warm regards,[Your name]

Example 3: After a MeetingSubject line: Follow Up: Today's MeetingHello [Name of recipient], Thank you for your attendance and input at the meeting today! The information we shared was important, so we were glad to share it with our best minds.If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns about what we discussed, feel free to reply to this email, call me at my office extension, or schedule a brief meeting. I'd love to hear any ideas you have, as well!I appreciate your hard work and look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.Best,[Your name]

Example 4: For Attending a FundraiserSubject line: Thank you for your fundraiser contributionDear [Name of recipient],Thank you so much for attending out fundraiser yesterday. The night was fun-filled and most importantly, full of success! Thanks to your contributions (and those of many other guests), we were able to exceed our $100,000 fundraising goal! We couldn't have done it without you.Please accept our heartfelt gratitude and consider filling out the attached survey with your thoughts or ideas for future fundraisers. With your input, we know they will be huge success!Best wishes,[Organization name]

Example 5: For Attending a Sales KickoffSubject line: Sales are skyrocketing, thanks to you!Good morning [Name of recipient], Thank you for attending our little soiree and helping us launch the product in style. On that note, I have great news: The sales kickoff for our new product was a huge success, and you helped make it happen! I can't thank you enough for all your support.I'd also love to add you to our list of names to contact about exciting new promotions our brand is offering in the near future. Please reach out to me directly on my cellphone at [cellphone number] or just reply to this email if you're interested in what we have up our sleeves!Thank you again, and I look forward to chatting with you soon.Best,[Your name]

Example 6: For Attending a Grand OpeningSubject line: Thank you for coming out to support us!Dear [Name of recipient],Thank you for joining us at the grand opening of our new storefront on [storefront address]! We had an amazing turnout, thanks to loyal customers like you who always show up for us.As a token of our appreciation, we're sending you a gift card to our store in a separate email. You should receive it within the next 24-48 hours!Once again, we're so grateful for your support. We hope to see you in-store again soon!Warm regards,[Company name]

Example 7: Recognizing SponsorsSubject line: Thank you for your sponsorship.Dear [Name of recipient], Thank you for sponsoring our event yesterday! Your generous contribution helped make the event a roaring success. Not only did we exceed last year's attendance, but we also broke a local record for most tickets sold in a night!None of this would have been possible without you, so we want you to be the first to know about all our upcoming events. Please click the link below to subscribe to our email list and stay on the cutting edge of what our organization is up to.Thank you again for being a sponsor, and we hope to reach out again soon with more exciting events!Sincerely,[Organization name]

Example 8: For VolunteeringSubject line: You, rock volunteer!Hello [Name of recipient],We wanted to reach out and thank you again for volunteering for our event yesterday! You were a brilliant and valued member of our team. We wouldn't have had such a great turnout or met our donation goals without you!If you're ever seeking more volunteer opportunities, please check our website for a list of upcoming events (updated monthly by our team).Thanks again for your hard work and diligence. You rock!Best,The Team at [Organization name]

Example 9: Recognizing First-Time AttendeesSubject line: Thanks for choosing our event!Dear [Name of recipient],Thank you for choosing to attend one of our events for the first time! We hope you enjoyed yourself and found the evening stimulating and worthwhile!We'd love to see you again at a future event, so we hope you'll subscribe to our email list so you can receive updates from us right to your inbox.We look forward to seeing you again soon!Sincerely,[Organization name]

Example 10: Asking for FeedbackSubject line: We'd love to hear your thoughts on our event!Dear [Name of recipient],Thank you for attending our event! We had a great time educating guests about the initiative we represent, and we hope you had as much fun participating in our games and raffles.On that note, we'd greatly appreciate you sending your feedback to [email address] and let us know your first impression of us. We hope it was a good one, but if not, we'd like to know so we can make our next event a better experience for all our guestsThank you again and please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [your email address] with your thoughts.Have a great day,[Your name]

Example 11: Promoting a New Product or ServiceSubject line: Thank you for expressing interest in our new product!Hello [Name of recipient],Thank you for letting me know about your interest in our new product at our launch party yesterday! We're certainly happy to hear from you and hope to convince you to try out the new line.If you'll give me your mailing address, we'd love to send you some samples! After that, if you decide you like our product, we can get in touch again about a potential brand partnership.Thank you again for talking with me! I can't wait to hear your reply!Best wishes,[Your name]

Example 12: For Being a Guest SpeakerSubject line: Thank you for speaking at our event!Dear [Name of recipient],We'd like to thank you once again for being so kind as to speak at our event. Our attendees enjoyed hearing your presentation and we got lots of great feedback afterward!We also wanted to let you know that you're invited back to speak here any time! If that's something that interests you, let me know and I will be sure to send you updates about our upcoming events as we release the details.Words aren't enough to truly express how grateful we are to you. We hope to have you here again soon!Warm regards,[Your name]

How to Write a Post Event Thank You Note

Express your gratitude to them personally. Start with a friendly greeting and include the individual's name in the salutation. Then thank them for coming or contributing to the event. If they did more than just attend, be specific about what they did or accomplished. Below are some examples of different "thank you for joining us" phrases you can use. "Hello, Ralph! Thank you for joining our team-building event. We're so happy you attended! "Good morning, Celia. Thank you for volunteering for our event and for all your hard work." "Dear Professor Collins: Thank you for joining us as a guest speaker at the dental conference. Your presentation was insightful and was a major highlight of the event!"

Recap the highlights of the event. Briefly remind the person you're thanking about the high points of the event so they come away thinking about it positively. Mention the guest speakers, important topics of discussion, any fun activities the group participated in, and any giveaways the guests entered. Check out the following examples of how to touch on those highlights. "As you know, we had a fantastic roster of speakers this year with experts from Harvard, Yale, and MIT." "We're especially proud of the important topics we covered and the valuable information we shared with everyone who attended." "We hope guests particularly enjoyed the giveaways, which were made possible by amazing and valued partners like you!"

List the event's positive outcomes. Sharing the achievements or goals met as a result of the event will reflect positively on you and your organization. It will also help the person you're thanking feel attending the event was worthwhile! For example, you can highlight the amount of money you raised at a fundraiser, the number of people who received training in a new skill, or the number of tickets you sold to a raffle. Here's how you would write those out in your thank you email. "Thanks to you and the other gala guests, we were able to meet our goal of raising $50,000 for children's charities!" "You were one of 240 people who successfully completed the compliance training in a single day. That's a new record for our organization!" "Because of your hard work, we were able to sell 5,000 raffle tickets – more than last year and the year before!"

Encourage them to submit their honest feedback (optional). Asking for the recipient's honest thoughts and feelings about the event will help you by showing you areas where the event can be improved next time. It can also be a show of good faith and an effective trust-building tactic. The attendee will appreciate your genuine request for feedback and feel important for being asked. Here are some examples of how to ask for feedback in your thank you message. "We're always looking for ways to improve, so please reach out if you have any thoughts on how we might do that." "We want our future events to be even better than this last one! If you know of any changes we could make or mistakes we could improve on, don't hesitate to tell us." "Your honest thoughts and opinions about how the event was carried off are greatly appreciated!"

Describe follow-up actions they should consider doing next. One of the main goals of writing a "thank you for coming" message is to follow up and encourage the attendees to take further action. If they attended your sales kickoff, for example, you can include a Call to Action (CTA) asking them to reach out if they're interested in buying one of your products. You can also encourage them to sign up for an email subscription so they won't miss out on any upcoming events. Below are other examples of CTAs you can use to keep your event attendees engaged. "If you're interested in developing your professional skills even further, be sure to sign up for our next webinar before it fills up!" "We have an exciting series of lectures planned for the rest of the year, so remember to subscribe to our email list to receive continuous updates." "We'd appreciate you filling out this brief survey letting us know how you liked the event!"

Provide your contact information. The attendees may have questions about this event or upcoming ones. They may also want more details about the topics or issues that were discussed at the event. Make it easy for them to reach out and stay connected by providing them with your organization's phone number and email address. You can also give them your professional contact details if you want them to message you directly. See examples of how to do that below. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at [phone number] or at [email address!"] "Let our team know if you're interested in attending future events by emailing [email address]." "I want to hear your ideas for our next event. Call my office at [phone number] anytime."

Thank them again and close with a polite sign-off. Always end your thank you email or note with another expression of gratitude. Then close with a polite, friendly sign-off, followed by your name or the name of the organization. Try the sign-off options below so your farewell sounds both professional and personable. "Sincerely, [organization name] "Warm regards, [your name]" "Best wishes, the Team at [company name]"

When to Send a Thank You Message Post Event

Send a thank you message within 24-48 hours of the event. The 2 days after the event is when it's freshest in the recipient's mind. You're catching them when their interest in it is still at a peak and they might be more likely to respond or take further action (with your encouragement). Use an email automation platform like Mailchimp, Omnisend, or Zapier to make sending emails to everyone on the event attendance list easier and more efficient. Segment your list of people to thank so you can write templates tailored to each type of attendee. For example, create one template for sponsors, another for guests, and another for volunteers. That way each one feels somewhat personalized and relevant to the recipient.

Why You Should Send Post Event Thank You Notes

It establishes good relationships with the attendees. People appreciate it when they're sincerely thanked and made to feel like they made a meaningful contribution to something important. These kinds of warm feelings lead to greater loyalty, which is the foundation of every successful business or professional relationship. And when you can encourage these feelings so easily with a thank you message, why not take every opportunity to send one?

It helps you follow up on networking opportunities and leads. Getting people to attend, speak at, or volunteer for events is just the beginning. Once you've established that initial connection, your goal is to encourage the attendee to stay in touch; come to future events; buy products; or complete any number of mutually beneficial actions for your organization. The aftermath of an event is the perfect opportunity for you to send a thank you email and also follow up with the recipient to strengthen your networking connections and sales leads.

It makes you look more professional and personable. Thanking people for attending or getting involved with an event is simply a common courtesy (but one that a lot of modern organizations forget!). It goes a surprisingly long way to make you and your organization appear not only more professional but also friendlier and more personable. And when you're pleasant to work with, you're more likely to secure future event attendances, sales, subscriptions, and more!

Other Ways to Send a "Thank You for Joining Us" Note

Handwrite old-fashioned thank you notes. While emails are easier to write and will get to your recipient quicker, there's nothing as special as receiving a handwritten thank you note! Use this option when you have a guest list under 100 or staff members who can help you write them. Decide on a single script for each card, then personalize each one with the recipient's first name or formal title.

Send out a thank you text to staff or volunteers. Thank you texts are short, sweet, and more likely to be read than emails. They're also a quicker, more informal way to express your appreciation. Send them to the staff and/or volunteers who helped pull off your event instead of an email or a handwritten note.

Film a personalized thank you video to investors or sponsors. Do you have very important people you need to thank for participating in your event, such as investors or sponsors? Stand out and make a good impression on them by filming a brief thank you video for each one. Remember to refer to the important person by name, wear business casual clothing, and film in a tidy, professional-looking area like an office or a conference room.

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