Crazy “Would You Rather” Questions
Come up with out of pocket questions to stimulate conversation. If you want to break the ice and start an engaging discussion, throw out the most wild, wacky, and insane scenarios you can possibly think of. It’s the best way to skip the small talk and get to know your fellow players on a deeper level! Would you rather give up sex or music? Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death? Would you rather sweat maple syrup or cry lemon juice? Would you rather have fingers for nipples or nipples for fingers? Would you rather feel aroused 24/7 or for only one day per year? Would you rather eat a man-sized bean or eat a bean-sized man? Would you rather be in jail for 5 years or be in a coma for 10 years? Would you rather die in a bakery oven or in a cardboard compactor? Would you rather gain 100 pounds of fat or lose 15 inches of height permanently? Would you rather sleep with your best friend’s parent or your parent’s best friend? Would you rather have 5,000 ingrown pubes or have to wear nipple clamps forever? Would you rather watch your parents have sex every day of your life or join in once? Would you rather have sex in front of all your partner’s friends or their grandmother? Would you rather say your ex’s name during sex or your partner’s best friend’s name? Would you rather have your nudes published or lose all the pictures you’ve ever taken? Would you rather pour a gallon of salt in your eyes or slide down a slide made of razor blades? Would you rather walk in on your parents having sex or have them walk in on you having sex? Would you rather cook the family pet and serve it to unsuspecting guests or eat the pet yourself? Would you rather drink a cup of a stranger’s saliva or eat all the hair out of their shower drain? Would you rather get your tongue stuck in a garbage disposal or eat a rat from the NYC subway? Would you rather get a text from a one-night stand that says, “I’m pregnant” or “I have an incurable STD?” Would you rather dive into a pool of someone’s snot once a day or drink a pint of their pee with every meal? Would you rather accidentally send a dirty pic to your parents or accidentally butt-dial your boss during sex? Would you rather have your fingers slammed in a car door or get paper cuts between your fingers every day? Would you rather have to sexually bite your lip at the end of every conversation or moan after every bite of food? Would you rather get explosive diarrhea every time you meet your boss or every time you meet your partner’s parents? Would you rather have sex with a goat and no one finds out, or not have sex with a goat but everyone thinks you did? Would you rather get paid $500 every time you make someone laugh or $10,000 every time you make someone cry? Would you rather orgasm every time you hear “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers, or have that song start playing every time you orgasm? Would you rather receive an alert every time your parents have sex or have your parents receive an alert every time you have sex? Would you rather have a condition where you can’t feel the effects of drugs (including caffeine) or have a sore throat for the rest of your life? Would you rather have uncontrollable gas at work for the rest of your life or uncontrollable gas on every first date for the rest of your life?
Funny “Would You Rather” Questions
Ask silly questions to make everyone laugh out loud. Invite the other person to take a closer look at the world around them with these goofy, random, and embarrassing scenarios. They’re sure to get the giggles going and spark a lively discussion! Would you rather be 3 feet shorter or taller? Would you rather be bald or have no eyebrows? Would you rather always shout or always whisper? Would you rather have hair for teeth or teeth for hair? Would you rather have a flying horse or a talking dog? Would you rather have to swim everywhere or bear crawl? Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader? Would you rather use sandpaper or saran wrap as toilet paper? Would you rather be irrationally afraid of cars or digital screens? Would you rather have a baseball or a watermelon as your head? Would you rather be stoned to death by pickles or drown in ketchup? Would you rather have ham for hands or armpits that dispense lotion? Would you rather fight 100 second graders or a bear with shark arms? Would you rather fart every time you laugh or burp every time you cry? Would you rather live without wifi for a week or toilet paper for a week? Would you rather have a carrot for a nose or a cucumber for a tongue? Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? Would you rather always have to wear orange Crocs or Big Red Boots? Would you rather clog the toilet on the first day or work or on a first date? Would you rather have 2 different sized butt cheeks or never get hungover? Would you rather have a cat with a human face or a dog with human hands? Would you rather get into an argument with Morgan Freeman or Meryl Streep? Would you rather always feel like you have to sneeze or sneeze 500 times a day? Would you rather have your ringtone be someone screaming or someone cursing? Would you rather have to wear a wedding dress or a bikini for the rest of your life? Would you rather wear clothes that are too big for you all the time or too small for you? Would you rather be covered in tattoos from head to toe or have one really big face tattoo? Would you rather have an exhibition of your middle school photos or your search history? Would you rather fight prime Mike Tyson for one round or sound like him for the rest of your life? Would you rather only listen to music you hate or only listen to music that everyone else hates? Would you rather talk like Mickey Mouse when you’re angry or turn into Shrek when you’re turned on? Would you rather chew with your mouth open for the rest of your life, or always put your phone calls on speaker on public transport? Would you rather have “All Star” by Smash Mouth play every time you sneeze or have “Fireflies” by Owl City play every time you laugh?
Weird “Would You Rather” Questions
Drop some odd and quirky questions to lighten the mood. If your game is getting tense or boring, ask an offbeat question to keep everyone entertained! These questions might be slightly strange, but they’re also incredibly creative, playful, and thought-provoking: Would you rather have horns or grow a tail? Would you rather be covered in scales or fur? Would you rather have no fingers or 20 fingers? Would you rather be kidnapped by pirates or aliens? Would you rather have an extra arm or an extra leg? Would you rather eat a raw onion or an entire lemon? Would you rather always feel sticky or always feel itchy? Would you rather walk on ice or hot cement with bare feet? Would you rather be allergic to sunlight or your own sweat? Would you rather wake up in the morning as a fish or a bear? Would you rather switch bodies with your ex or your grandpa? Would you rather have a house infested with rats or bedbugs? Would you rather wake up during surgery or witness a murder? Would you rather sleep on a mattress made of jello or hot soup? Would you rather find a person or 1000 cockroaches in your attic? Would you rather only be able to eat food that starts with a P or B? Would you rather not cut your fingernails or your toenails for a year? Would you rather have gummy bears for toes or french fries for hands? Would you rather drink a glass of glue or eat a sandwich filled with sand? Would you rather look 10 years older from the neck up, or the neck down? Would you rather eat nothing but salad or nothing but junk food for a year? Would you rather eat ice cream-flavored poop or poop-flavored ice cream? Would you rather drink a bucket of someone's sweat or a bottle of their pee? Would you never be able to wipe after pooping or never brush your teeth again? Would you rather wear wet socks for a year or have sweaty armpits all the time? Would you rather always have an eyelash in your eye or a hair in your butt crack? Would you rather have a dog that looks like a baby or a baby that looks like a dog? Would you rather lick the floor in the subway or the handle of a public bathroom stall? Would you rather have sheets made of cheese slices or floors made of raw hamburger meat? Would you rather not be able to control your laughter, or not be able to control your tears? Would you rather have taste buds covering your hands or not be able to taste food again? Would you rather be eaten by a great white shark or beaten to death by a silverback gorilla? Would you rather glow bright pink whenever you’re attracted to someone or glow bright red whenever you’re annoyed by someone?
Hard “Would You Rather” Questions
Ask difficult questions to pick someone’s brain and bond with them. Whether you’ve just met someone or you’ve known them for years, asking thought-provoking “would you rather” questions is a great way to get to know someone better. To come up with a challenging question, think of 2 awesome scenarios and pit them against each other. Would you rather give up salt or sugar? Would you rather it be summer or winter forever? Would you rather lose your sense of smell or taste? Would you rather have to stand all day or sit all day? Would you rather always eat burnt or undercooked food? Would you rather never see your friends or family again? Would you rather live next to a huge stadium or the airport? Would you rather spend the rest of your life inside or outside? Would you rather lose the ability to speak or the ability to read? Would you rather never see the sun again or never get hungover? Would you rather give up all social media or all streaming services? Would you rather always be stressed and busy or always be bored? Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average? Would you rather have your first child when you’re 19 or 50 years old? Would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full tank of gas? Would you rather not be able to buy coffee or order takeout for a month? Would you rather see blurry all the time or see everything in black and white? Would you rather be able to travel everywhere for free or eat everywhere for free? Would you rather marry the person of your dreams or have the job of your dreams? Would you rather lose a finger or have a headache every day for the rest of your life? Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night? Would you rather not talk to anyone or talk in depth to 10 people every day for a month? Would you rather have your debt forgiven or have guaranteed good health for a decade? Would you rather have a 9 AM meeting every morning or a 5 PM meeting every evening? Would you rather have eyes that can film everything or ears that can record everything? Would you rather live through the apocalypse and help rebuild, or be part of a new colony on Mars? Would you rather lose all the money you’ve made this year or all the memories you’ve gained this year? Would you rather have the best house in a bad neighborhood or the worst house in a good neighborhood? Would you rather listen to one song for the rest of your life or never be able to listen to the same song twice? Would you rather get a pimple the night before important events or get sick every time after an important event? Would you rather go bungee jumping with a frayed bungee cord or skydive with a parachute that has holes? Would you rather have everyone be able to read your mind or everyone you know have access to your search history?
Deep “Would You Rather” Questions
Bring up risky and high-stakes scenarios to intensify the game. To take your conversation to the next level, think of situations where the other person might lose time, money, or their loved ones. These tricky questions leave people stumped and keep the game interesting: Would you rather be loved by all or feared by all? Would you rather die before or after your spouse? Would you rather have more time or more money? Would you rather never age physically or mentally? Would you rather end world hunger or end all wars? Would you rather be a deep thinker or a deep feeler? Would you rather know when you die or how you die? Would you rather save 5 loved ones or 1,000 strangers? Would you rather find your soulmate or find your purpose? Would you rather have a pause or rewind button in your life? Would you rather be filthy rich and sad or dirt poor and happy? Would you rather win $20,000 or your best friend win $200,000? Would you rather have no one show up at your wedding or funeral? Would you rather always know the truth or live in blissful ignorance? Would you rather have one close friend or many not-so-close friends? Would you rather live in a world where there’s no crime or no privacy? Would you rather always have to tell the truth or always have to tell a lie? Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond? Would you rather live in a world with no problems or a world where you rule? Would you rather live a very long and dull life or live a very short and exciting life? Would you rather never experience physical pain or never experience emotional pain? Would you rather be surrounded by people most of the time or alone most of the time? Would you rather have a one-minute conversation with your past self or your future self? Would you rather lose all of your memories since birth or be unable to make new memories? Would you rather experience life from the start as someone else or start your life all over again? Would you rather get rich in a way that disappoints your family or make just enough money to live? Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit or a loved one go to jail for a crime you committed? Would you rather be the person who flips the switch during executions or the judge who decides who should be executed? Would you rather be famous when you’re alive and forgotten after death, or unknown when you’re alive and famous after death? Would you rather marry a 4/10 that’s madly in love with you or marry a 10/10 that doesn’t love you as much as you love them? Would you rather do something great for humanity but be remembered as the worst person who ever lived, or do nothing important but be remembered as a hero to everyone?
Juicy “Would You Rather” Questions
Turn up the heat with these spicy and suggestive questions. If you want to let your crush know you’re interested in them or get tea from your besties, these juicy Qs are for you! Ask away to gain inside info on their dating life, relationship history, and wildest fantasies: Would you rather give up kissing or cuddling? Would you rather be single or in a relationship? Would you rather be terrible in bed or a terrible kisser? Would you rather skinny dip at midnight or sunbathe nude? Would you rather date someone older or younger than you? Would you rather audition for The Bachelor or Love Island? Would you rather suck someone’s earlobe or someone’s toes? Would you rather make out with a stranger or your best friend? Would you rather give a lap dance to a stranger or receive one? Would you rather eat sushi or ice cream off of someone's body? Would you rather marry the hottest or smartest person on Earth? Would you rather get it on while you’re covered in cat hair or sand? Would you rather have sex with a co-worker or a high school friend? Would you rather be really attractive or really skilled in the bedroom? Would you rather go back to your most recent ex or never date again? Would you rather date someone with a foot fetish or a public sex fetish? Would you rather accidentally send a sexy text to your dad or your boss? Would you rather have your heart broken or break someone else’s heart? Would you rather have your dad or your ex set up your dating app profile? Would you rather hook up with your classmate or your best friend’s sibling? Would you rather have the details of your financial life or your love life be public? Would you rather watch strangers have sex or have strangers watch you have sex? Would you rather have to review everyone you sleep with or have them review you? Would you rather watch porn with your parents or have your porn search history published? Would you rather none of your friends like your partner or none of your partner’s friends like you? Would you rather have your parents watch your sex tape or watch your partner’s sex tape with an ex? Would you rather live stream your best sexual experience or publish a written account about your worst? Would you rather be more attractive than your partner or have your partner be more attractive than you? Would you rather sleep with someone who never showers or someone who never brushes their teeth? Would you rather date someone who’s not over their ex or still be in love with your ex while in a relationship? Would you rather find out that your best friend’s boyfriend is your soulmate or have your boyfriend fall in love with your best friend? Would you rather only have 5 years with the love of your life and then never see them again, or find the love of your life but never be in a relationship with them?
“Would You Rather” Questions for Couples
Keep the romance alive with these fun and flirty questions. Looking for ways to spice things up and make your partner feel desired? Find out their love language, sexual preferences, and relationship goals to connect with them on a deeper level. Asking these questions can build intimacy and attraction, plus strengthen your bond as a couple: Would you rather stay in or go out? Would you rather have no kids or 10 kids? Would you rather only give or only receive? Would you rather be submissive or dominant? Would you rather elope or have a huge wedding? Would you rather be the big spoon or little spoon? Would you rather handcuff me or tie me to the bed? Would you rather be kissed all day or teased all day? Would you rather have morning sex or late-night sex? Would you rather try a new position or a new sex toy? Would you rather be surprised with flowers or jewelry? Would you rather never be able to kiss me or hug me? Would you rather have financial issues or sexual issues? Would you rather only have “vanilla” sex or “BDSM” sex? Would you rather receive a dirty picture or a sexy voicemail? Would you rather be on top or bottom for the rest of your life? Would you rather have a threesome or join the mile-high club? Would you rather get a good morning text or a good night text? Would you rather make out in the rain or in the backseat of a car? Would you rather always have sex in the dark or with the lights on? Would you rather have your dream wedding or your dream honeymoon? Would you rather never be able to hear my voice again or touch me again? Would you rather have a sex playlist with classical music or hardcore rock? Would you rather give me a sensual massage or feed me in a sensual way? Would you rather I become best friends with my ex, or best friends with yours? Would you rather have average sex every day or incredible sex once a month? Would you rather live stream all our arguments or never use the Internet again? Would you rather be serenaded with a love song in public or receive a sexy striptease in private? Would you rather be cursed with bad sex for the next 5 years or not be able to have sex for a year? Would you rather be cheated on and never know, or cheat and never have the other person find out? Would you rather have a partner with a possibly life-threatening job or a totally time-consuming job? Would you rather spend a year traveling around the world or stay in one place and build our dream home together?
“Would You Rather” Questions for Friends
Stick to classic questions if you don’t want things to get too crazy. If you’re playing with new friends or people who don’t know each other well, start off with chill questions that aren’t too revealing. This allows them to loosen up so everyone has a good time, and you can always move onto “juicier” questions after people feel comfortable with each other. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Would you rather be able to teleport or fly? Would you rather read a book or watch TV? Would you rather give up caffeine or alcohol? Would you rather be able to control water or fire? Would you rather explore space or the deep sea? Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping? Would you rather never sing or never dance again? Would you rather go on a game show or a reality show? Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors? Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed? Would you rather watch a horror movie or a romantic comedy? Would you rather be invisible or recognized everywhere you go? Would you rather meet your celeb crush or the current president? Would you rather go on a thrilling road trip or a luxurious holiday? Would you rather be granted one huge wish or 100 small wishes? Would you rather be given an unlimited supply of food or clothes? Would you rather be one hour late or one hour early to everything? Would you rather be the hottest or the funniest person in the room? Would you rather live inside your favorite childhood book or movie? Would you rather win $10,000 or have your best friend win $100,000? Would you rather be the only one drunk at a party or the only one sober? Would you rather have unlimited data storage or an unlimited battery life? Would you rather go on tour with your favorite band or star in your own movie? Would you rather be born a hundred years ago or a hundred years in the future? Would you rather speak every language in the world or be able to speak to animals? Would you rather get a million dollars right now or $100,000 every year for 10 years? Would you rather be part of an arranged marriage or spend the rest of your life single? Would you rather be an Olympic athlete or a world-famous scientist who cured a disease? Would you rather gain the knowledge of any book by touch or gain the skills of any person by touch? Would you rather live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere or a small apartment in your favorite city? Would you rather have an energy drink that boosts your mood or one that increases your productivity? Would you rather have a self-driving car or a robot assistant that does all your household chores?
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