7 Spiritual & Symbolic Meanings behind a Bird Pooping on You
7 Spiritual & Symbolic Meanings behind a Bird Pooping on You
One day, you’re out and about, and suddenly—splat! Was that what I think it was? Believe it or not, being pooped on by a bird is considered a positive omen across many different cultures and could serve as a sign of good things on their way. In this article, we’ll walk you through all the possible spiritual meanings of being pooped on by a bird and how best to handle the situation and usher good vibes your way.
Things You Should Know
  • Being pooped on by a bird is thought to bring good luck, good health, and supportive relationships.
  • A bird pooping on you may signify that you’re awakening to your life’s purpose.
  • Being pooped on by a bird might suggest that happy, new opportunities are on their way.

Good Fortune

Being pooped on by a bird is a symbol of good luck. Having a bird poo on you can feel like a case of bad luck, but the good news is, it’s quite the opposite. Across many cultures and religions, being pooped on by a bird is thought to be a surefire sign of abundance and prosperity coming your way. The odds of being pooed on by a bird are allegedly less than 1%, so many people buy a lottery ticket right after it happens—hey, the odds might just be in your favor! What to do: If you’ve been waiting for a sign to dive in and take a chance, being pooped on by a bird might be it. This might mean pursuing your passions full-time or taking your relationship to the next level. Countries like Russia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and India, to name a few, view being pooped on by a bird as a spiritual blessing of good luck and future wealth. Bonus points if you’re pooped on multiple times, on the top of your head, or before noon. Being pooped on by a hummingbird or a duck is thought to be especially lucky in Asian and Western cultures.


A bird pooping on you is believed to be a sign of strong relationships. Whether it’s excellent friendships with your loved ones, or a supportive and loving romantic relationship, being pooped on by a bird may affirm that your relationships are in an awesome place, with even more goodness to come. Alternatively, being pooped on by a bird may be a reminder to reach out to your loved ones about what’s happening in your life more—everyone appreciates being in the loop. What to do: Spend some extra time with your loved ones, or send them a sweet message to let them know how much they mean to you. For example, you might text them, “You’ve been on my mind lately, just wanted to reach out and say how much I love you if I don’t say it enough!” Being pooped on by a pigeon, hummingbird, duck, or swallow symbolizes love and devotion coming your way. In Greek mythology, doves are associated with Aphrodite, so being pooed on by one might be a nod from the goddess of love herself.

Strength & Resilience

Being pooped on by a bird might signify that you’ll overcome hardship. If you’ve been going through a hard time and recently got pooed on by a bird, you might be thinking,” Seriously? If it wasn’t already bad enough!” The good news is, this seemingly unfortunate incident might be a sign from the universe to stay positive in whatever situation you may be in, whether in your personal or professional life. Good things are on their way. What to do: Affirm your self-worth by repeating mantras like, “I will overcome every challenge I encounter,” or, “My inner light guides me through dark times.” Hummingbirds are a particularly lucky bird to be pooped on by when it comes to moving past obstacles to accomplish your dreams. Birds like the common swift can fly up to 6 months without stopping, so it’s no wonder why being pooped on by a bird is thought to signify having enough strength to continue onwards.

Spiritual Guidance

A bird pooping on you may be a sign to nurture your spiritual side. Birds are believed to be spiritual messengers of the heavens, so being pooped on by a bird might be a reminder from the universe to tap into your spirituality. Alternatively, being pooped on by a bird might be a sign that your spiritual guides are protecting you from above. What to do: If you’re in need of spiritual guidance, reach out to your spirit guides by praying.You might say to yourself, “Spirit guides, please lead me to my highest purpose,” or “Universe, show me how to accomplish my dreams.” Hindu traditions suggest that being pooped on by a bird may be the start of a spiritual awakening. Religions such as Catholicism and Islam believe a bird pooping on you is a blessing from God, as birds are thought to be Heaven’s messengers. Like winged angels, birds have long been associated with spirituality, serving as a connection between Heaven and Earth.

Good Health

Being pooped on by a bird may be symbolic of excellent health to come. In some cultures, animal feces is associated with nourishment, bountifulness, and good digestion. Thus, being pooped on by a bird might be a sign of physical fitness and plenty of yummy food to keep you happy and healthy in the future. What to do: Get your body moving by going out for a walk in nature. Not only are walks excellent for your digestive system, but they’re also an excellent way to clear your mind. Being pooped on by a crane or swallow is particularly symbolic of perfect health coming your way.

New Opportunites

A bird pooping on you may be symbolic of positive change. Believe it or not, being pooped on by a bird is considered a sign of transformative happy changes and new beginnings flowing to you from above. Just like being pooped on, exciting opportunities can come out of nowhere, so be ready to embrace change, whether it’s starting a new career path or a romantic relationship! What to do: Get grounded by meditating for at least 15 minutes, repeating affirmations throughout, like, “I accept and welcome positive change,” or “I am prepared to embrace new opportunities into my life.” If you’ve been on the hunt for love, career opportunities, or just positive changes in general, being pooped on by a pigeon, stork, dove, or other small bird might indicate they're on their way. Birds are often associated with freedom, as they can fly anywhere they please, so being pooped on by a bird could suggest that you'll soon be soaring to new heights, too.

Finding Your Purpose

A bird pooping on you may signify awakening to your life’s purpose. Sometimes, understanding what you’re meant to do with your life hits you like lightning—or bird poop! Believed to be heavenly messengers from above, being pooped on by a bird might provide divine inspiration regarding what you’re most passionate about. What to do: Write a list of 5 things that interest or matter to you. Fleshing out your passions and values may help provide insights into potential life paths you might want to pursue. Alternatively, being pooped on by a bird might signify that you’re already in line with your life’s purpose, so keep up the good work.

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