What are mirror portals?
Portals are gateways to the spirit world that are opened through mirrors. This superstition has been used in many ancient cultures and is still believed by many supernatural practitioners today. The idea is that when two mirrors face each other, they open a portal to the spirit world or another dimension, allowing spirits or other supernatural entities to enter our world. While many people believe mirrors act as portals, there is no scientific evidence to support this. However, some scientists do believe in the possibility of a “mirror” or parallel universe. People likely believe mirrors are portals because mirrors are considered liminal spaces, or areas that are thought to make travel between the spirit world and physical realm easier. Other liminal spaces include windows and glass doors.
Mirror Portal Origins & Mythology
References to mirror portals are included in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Some of the earliest references to mirror portals come from ancient Sumerian mythology, including The Epic of Gilgamesh. In the tale, the goddess Inanna uses a bronze mirror to gaze upon the underworld. This mirror is sometimes interpreted as a physical object and other times as a metaphor for Inanna’s ability to see the hidden depths of reality.
Mirror gateways appear in Greek mythology. In one myth, the god of the underworld, Hades, traps Persephone in his realm by showing her her own reflection in a pool of water. In another, Narcissus falls in love with his reflection in a pool of water and cannot leave.
The ancient Mayans used mirrors for divination. The Mayans believed that mirrors and other reflective surfaces were portals to the spirit world. Because of this, mirrors were an important part of many rituals, as the Mayans used them for divination. Unlike some other cultures, the Mayans did not believe that cracked mirrors were bad luck; instead, they believed the cracks could be used to communicate with the divine.
Are all mirrors portals?
Not all mirrors are portals. However, many believers say that all mirrors have the potential to be portals. Most often, mirrors become portals when two mirrors are placed across from each other. When two mirrors face each other, it creates an infinite loop of reflections, which is believed to disrupt the fabric of reality and open a passageway between worlds.
Protecting Yourself from Mirror Portals
Don’t allow mirrors to face each other. In general, most people believe mirrors become portals when they face each other, so one of the easiest ways to protect yourself from unwanted portals is to make sure none of your mirrors are directly across from each other. If you’re worried, try using only one mirror per room.
Keep mirrors covered when not in use. If your mirrors face each other and you can’t easily move them, try covering them with an old sheet, towel, or blanket. This is believed to close off any potential portals and prevent spirits or entities from coming through. It’s also okay to cover mirrors that aren’t facing each other if it brings you a sense of comfort.
Perform a spiritual cleansing ritual. If you believe your mirror is a portal or if it’s simply giving you bad vibes, consider cleansing it to remove and ward off any negative energy. There are a few different ways to do this, such as burning sage or wiping the surface with salt water. While you do so, visualize a protective barrier around the mirror to prevent any unwanted entities from entering your home. Another option is to draw or carve protective symbols into the mirror’s frame. Some people use pentagrams, while others create their own protective sigils.
Practice feng shui when placing your mirrors. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that involves arranging furniture in certain ways to create harmony and balance energy. Mirrors play a large role in feng shui, and it’s generally advised not to place them directly across from doors or windows, as many believe this could invite negative or unwanted energy.
Mirrors in Pop Culture
Magic mirrors play a large role in many fairytales. In popular fairytales, mirrors possess many different magical abilities. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, for example, the Evil Queen has a magic mirror that tells the queen Snow White is the fairest of all. In Beauty and the Beast, the Beast has a magic mirror that allows him to see what is happening in different places. In Alice Through the Looking Glass, Alice returns to Wonderland through a portal in a mirror.
Other Mirror Superstitions
Breaking a mirror causes seven years of bad luck. This is one of the most well-known mirror superstitions. According to legend, if you break a mirror, you’ll have seven years of bad luck. To prevent this, gather all the shattered pieces and bury them under the moonlight to reverse the curse. Another option is to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. On the other hand, if you drop a mirror and it doesn’t break, you’re supposed to have good luck coming your way. Remember, all the superstitions listed here are just that—superstitions. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
Newlyweds who stand in front of a mirror will have a happy marriage. To begin a happy life together, a newlywed couple should stand in front of a mirror and admire their reflection. Ideally, this should happen as soon as they finish their vows. However, gifting a couple a mirror on their wedding day will have the opposite effect and give them bad luck.
Mirrors should be covered after the death of a loved one. In some cultures, a common practice is to cover all the mirrors in your home for a few days after a loved one has passed. This is to prevent their soul from becoming trapped in a mirror before their body is buried. If a soul becomes trapped, it is said the mirror will tarnish and you’ll see your loved one’s face in the reflection.
Do not allow a mirror to face your bed. According to feng shui and other spiritual practices, it’s generally a bad idea to have a mirror facing your bed. If the mirror faces your bed, it is believed to invite negative energy and potentially cause restlessness and bad dreams.
Mirror Portal FAQs
Can mirrors be used to summon spirits? Some people believe that mirrors can be used to summon spirits or other entities. Because mirrors are considered portals, they also play an important role in many scary games, like Bloody Mary and Candy Man. These games involve standing in front of a mirror in a dark room to summon malevolent spirits.
Is it bad to have too many mirrors in your home? In general, it isn’t bad to have multiple mirrors in your home. In fact, most people do. However, if you feel any unwanted or negative energy, make sure that none of your mirrors are directly facing each other, doorways, or windows. If you think you have too many mirrors, it’s also okay to get rid of some. Remember, there is no scientific evidence that anything bad will happen if you have too many mirrors or if they’re facing a certain way.
Are windows also spiritual portals? Many people who believe mirrors are portals also believe windows are portals. According to this belief, any reflective surface, like windows and even puddles of water, can serve as a door to another world. This is also why many people believe you shouldn’t allow a mirror to directly face a window.
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