What is Secret Note #19 in Stardew Valley?
Secret Note #19 is a treasure map to a gold Lewis statue in Stardew Valley. It depicts a picture of a blue house belonging to a character named Jodi and located at 1 Willow Lane. Underneath the picture of the house is a series of arrows, which are the directions to the statue. Secret Note #19 is one of 27 Secret Notes you can find all over Stardew Valley. Each note either gives you advice or a short side quest to complete.
How to Find Secret Note #19
Get the Magnifying Glass item from Krobus to find Secret Notes. Walk to the Bus Stop from The Farm during winter between 6 AM and 4 PM. When you arrive, you'll startle Krobus, who will run to the right of the screen. Follow him and his footsteps up to a bush. Shake the bush, and Krobus will appear and hand over a Magnifying Glass he stole. To meet Krobus for the first time and enable the Magnifying Glass quest, donate 60 items to the museum and obtain the Rusty Key. Use the Rusty Key to open the door to the Sewers, where Krobus lives.
Find Secret Notes by mining, digging, killing monsters, fishing, and chopping trees. As you perform these actions, the Secret Notes will randomly appear. They don't generate in sequence, so prepare yourself to grind for a potentially long time to find Secret Note #19. Your character starts the game with a mining pickaxe, a shovel, and an axe for chopping wood. To acquire a free fishing pole, visit the Fish Shop on The Beach on Day 2 after starting the game and talk to Willy. To obtain a sword and become a monster slayer, enter The Mines and talk to Marlon.
How to Follow Secret Note #19 Arrow Map
Move your character in the directions on the Secret Note #19 arrow map. To start, stand in front of the door of the house on 1 Willow Lane. Next, move your character in the same direction that the first arrow on the map is pointing until you can't walk any further that way. Repeat this strategy for every arrow on the map. In the original version of Stardew Valley, the directions are left, up, right, up, right, down, left, down, left, and down. In the Stardew Valley Expanded mod, the directions are slightly different because the map changes between the oldest and more recent versions of the game. The directions for the mod version are right, down, left, down, left, and down. The starting and ending locations are the same.
How to Find the Gold Mayor Lewis Statue
Follow the arrow map to find the gold Lewis state behind the Mayor's house. Move in the directions indicated by the arrows on the Secret Note #19 map until you reach the Mayor's house and can no longer move. You won't be able to see the statue because it's blocked by the roof of the house. You can still pick it up, though, provided you followed the directions for your version of the game.
Skip the arrow map by going directly to Mayor Lewis's house. After you find Secret Note #19, move your character to stand behind the truck parked next to the Mayor's house. Walk all the way to the left and go down, then right-click with your mouse (or press "A" on your controller) to pick it up.
What to Do with the Gold Mayor Lewis Statue
Set the gold Lewis statue out in Pelican Town and embarrass Mayor Lewis. In Stardew Valley lore, Mayor Lewis is building the solid gold statue of himself in secret. If you place it somewhere outside and wait 1-2 days, the statue will be replaced by a Rotten Plant. You'll also receive an angry letter from Mayor Lewis that says, "In the future, I'd appreciate it very much if you refrained from placing my PRIVATE belongings in town for all to see! I'm very displeased! Take this money and never speak of my 'project' to anyone." He gives you 750 coins to keep his secret. After completing this Additional Secret, you'll find the gold Lewis statue again either in Lewis's or Marnie's bedroom.
Display the gold statue in your room and collect other secret statues. There are 10 other statues you can obtain, some by following other Secret Notes and others by reaching certain skill levels or unlocking specific locations. The 10 secret statues are: Wumbus: Win it from the crane game in the Movi Theater. Gourmand: Go to the secret fishing spot in Pirate Cove on Ginger Island and fish to pull this statue out of the depths. Iridium Krobus: Fish this pure Iridium statue out of the ocean near Cindersap Forest. Stone Junimo: Locate this statue behind the Community Center after you stumble upon Secret Note #14. Stone Owl: The Stone Owl spawns at completely random times. When you hear an owl hoot at night, expect to find the statue somewhere on your farm when you wake up the next morning. ??Foroguemon??: Place a Strange Bun in Vincent's chest in the house at 1 Willow Lane, and you'll receive this odd lizardlike statue. ??HMTGF??: Go to the Blacksmith's Shop and find a secret brown box surrounded by fences. Put a Super Cucumber in the box to get this weird yet funny-looking statue. ??Pinky Lemon??: Find the purple box sitting surreptitiously in the back room of the Stardrop Saloon. Put Duck Mayonnaise inside the box and get the blushing statue. Statue of Perfection: Take care of your Stardew Valley community well for three years (in-game), and you'll notice that all four candles on Grandpa's Shrine are lit. That means you passed Grandpa's Evaluation and are worthy of receiving the Statue of Perfection as your reward. Junimo Plush: Obtaining this statue requires perfect timing! At noon on the 28th day of any season of the year, go to the bush behind the playground and interact with it. Make sure to interact with the bush before 12:10 PM, or you'll miss your window!
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