How Long Does It Take for Roblox Support to Respond?
How Long Does It Take for Roblox Support to Respond?
If you’ve contacted Roblox, you may be wondering what’s taking so long. The good news is that Roblox tends to be pretty responsive, although you may need to wait a day or two for a reply. In this article, we’ll breakdown why they haven’t replied yet, explain what you can do in the meantime, and walk you through other ways you might contact Roblox.

How long does Roblox customer support take to respond?

Roblox typically responds in 24-48 hours. If you email Roblox or send them a ticket through their customer support page, they should get back to you in a day or so. The Roblox customer support team is only 19 people, and they get over 5,000 messages a day. Wait at least 24 hours to give them time to process your request. If they aren’t busy, they may respond in 18 hours or so. It is totally possible for Roblox customer support to miss your email or support ticket. If they don’t reply in 48 hours, it’s okay to reach out again.

What should I do if Roblox doesn’t respond?

Check their help page first to see if you can solve the problem. Roblox has a general support page at where you can find the most common problems that players run into. Submit your support ticket and give it a day or two for them to reply. You might find solutions for issues with billing, account safety, tech issues, or game mechanics.

Send a second email or support ticket if 48 hours have passed. If Roblox hasn’t replied in two days, go ahead and send in a second email or ticket. You aren’t breaking any rules by doing this. They probably just missed your email or ticket and they should get back to you soon. Check your email’s spam folder before doing this. If your spam filter flagged the message from Roblox. If it did, open it to get your response. Make sure any emails you open come from someone at Don’t click anything you don’t recognize!

How can you contact Roblox customer support?

Use the Roblox support system. Go to and enter your birthdate. Then, enter your username and the email associated with your account. Use the dropdown menus to select the type of problem that you’re having and enter a short description if necessary. They’ll reach out to you via email with a solution or next steps. Issues you can use this system for include: Safety concerns, account issues, product questions, issues with billing, or exploit issues in the game.

Email Roblox directly at [email protected]. If you have multiple questions or your question feels kind of complicated, explain your situation over email. This way, you can walk them through everything you need help with. Only do this if you can’t find relevant information about your problem online or in their support system. For example, if you’re getting a confusing bug that’s keeping you from performing an action in game or your account is corrupted somehow and you don’t know what to do, email them. This will probably take longer than using their support system, since Roblox customer support won’t see your email right away.

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