How to Attract a Taurus Man As a Pisces Woman
How to Attract a Taurus Man As a Pisces Woman
The connection between Taurus and Pisces is absolutely gorgeous—full of warmth, mutual growth, and intense connection. If you, Pisces woman, have got your eyes on a dependable Taurus man, attracting your crush should be a piece of cake. With your natural beauty, grace, and kindness, he'll likely be totally enamored. And luckily, there are tons of easy strategies to help improve your chances even more. For all the very best tips on how to attract a Taurus man as a Pisces woman, read on.

Lean into your feminine instincts.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, so he'll feel connected to feminine personalities. As a Pisces, you're one of the dreamiest, most ethereal women in the zodiac. You embody a powerful feminine energy that your Taurus crush will naturally be into. When the two of you hang out together, don’t be afraid to emphasize that side of yourself, because the Taurus in your life will absolutely love it. Take an afternoon to reconnect with nature. Go for a nice hike, do some bird watching, or visit an apple orchard. Have an empathetic, emotionally transparent conversation.

Bring some magic into his life.

A super grounded Taurus may struggle to find depth in his own life. As a Pisces woman, you’re all about spiritualism, emotion, and creativity. Your Taurus crush will love that he feels comfortable enough to open up around you. Even better, he'll love that once he has, you inspire him to become a more vulnerable and open-minded person. If you find ways to bring back the wonder, excitement, and magic that he sometimes feels he’s missing in life, you’ll have him completely hooked. Read your favorite passage of a book to him while you stroke his hair. Then, talk to him about why the passage feels so special to you. Take him to your favorite place in nature and help him pay attention to things he might not normally. Help him reconnect with his inner child. Take him to the swing sets, try face painting, or make up a silly game together.

Welcome his emotional side.

Though he may appear reserved, a Taurus man is a passionate person. Underneath that hard shell, these guys are soft and tender. He'll experience a super emotionally rich private life. He may have a hard time showing that side of himself to others, but there is no other sign in the zodiac more capable of teasing out his vulnerable side than a Pisces. Though it may be a slow, challenging process, he’ll be obsessed with anyone that’s able to reach his gooey, sentimental center. Try offering a couple vulnerable truths of your own to set a precedent. This way, you already have a rapport for deep conversations. Gently ask him thoughtful questions, allowing things to get a bit more personal with each question. The most important step is listening without judgment. As a Pisces woman, this is definitely second nature to you. He'll feel totally at home with you—and totally attracted to you, too.

Focus on touch when you’re flirting.

Taurus is one of the most sensual signs in the zodiac. This means that when you’re trying to express something (like, for instance, that you're into him!), it’s best to communicate through touch. Any chance you get to touch his arm, sit close to him, or give him a hug will be really meaningful to your Taurus crush. When trying to get his attention, opt for gently touching his arm over calling out his name. If you’re at a party together, sit by him on the couch and try to make sure you’re touching. Try saying something like, “I barely know anyone here. Mind if I sit by you?” When you greet him, consider leaning in for a hug instead of going with a standard wave.

Appeal to his senses.

Cooking, massages, and sensual gifts will do the trick with a Taurus. Men of this sign are extremely in touch with the five senses. But by sending your message through physical connection, you'll be speaking his language. This may not be a totally natural way to communicate for a Pisces woman, but as compassionate and empathetic as you ladies are, you’ll probably have no issue meeting him where he’s at on this one. Set him down for dinner with your best dish. Light some candles and set an aesthetically pleasing table. Put on some relaxing music and ask him if he’d like a massage. He’ll be totally charmed, and he'll see how much you care. Offer him a sweet smelling candle, a cozy blanket, or a box of chocolates to show how you feel.

Make him feel adored.

No matter your relationship's stage, Taurus men want to feel cared for. Below the surface, these guys are all about finding comfortable, nurturing, and ultra-sweet relationships. If you make him feel like he’s wrapped tight in a warm blanket of affection, that’ll fulfill his dream. You’re the queen of compassion and affection, Pisces. Don't hold any tenderness back with your Taurus crush, because he'll love you for it! Offer him a cuddle when the two of you are hanging out. Move your schedule around so you can be at his important events. Verbal communication may not be his strong suit, but your Taurus crush would probably still like to hear you say, "I really like you."

Take care of him.

As self-sufficient as he is, a Taurus man wants to be doted on, too. The trick here is that he'll probably never ask for it. But you can trust that your Taurus crush would love to be nurtured by you anytime, any place. Pisces is naturally a super caring and intuitive sign, so this should be a snap for you. If he’s sick, take over some soup, DVDs, and a box of tissues. He’ll be over the moon. When he’s got a big project at work or school, he'd appreciate a treat and a sweet note to celebrate finishing up. Emotional support can go a long way. Once you’ve gotten him to open up, be there for him when things get tough. He’ll feel super connected to you.

Keep things easy breezy.

Taurus men may freak out if things move too quickly. As a Pisces woman, you’re usually cool as a cucumber in any and all romantic situations, but not all signs can be so lucky! Your Taurus crush will definitely take it slow out of the gates and wait forever to tell you how he feels. This sign thinks it would be the end of the world to say the wrong thing, so he'll keep his cards close to the chest until he's totally sure of what he wants. If you feel like you’ve been waiting an eternity for him to finally open up, trust that when he does, it’ll be worth it. You should also know that a Taurus wouldn't play games to keep you on the line. He’s just cautious in romance.

Make him feel like your one and only.

Once the two of you have communicated feelings, he’ll expect your focus to be him. Taurus guys are notoriously serious daters. If you aren't giving him your affection and attention, this just won't compute to your Taurus crush. He’ll be expecting some level of loyalty from you for sure. But luckily, you can expect the same devotion from him, too. Definitely don’t make any commitments to him until you’re sure. He won’t mind if you take some time to think before diving in, but you definitely risk alienating your crush if you make a promise then go back on it.

Work on communication.

This romance is a work of art—but communication may be a work in progress. If there’s any area that needs some extra elbow grease in this relationship, it’s communication. The two of you will probably be super tempted to default to nonverbal contact to solve every issue, but we all need to talk things through sometimes! It’s totally okay to do what works for you, but it’s also important to make sure you're equipped to have an honest conversation when a message thread or night on the couch just won't cut it. Center tough conversations equally around facts and feelings. As a Pisces, you may want to linger too long on emotions, and a Taurus may not handle that well. Give him an exit throughout the conversation. By reducing the pressure a bit, he'll find it easier to communicate well. Expect things to move slowly. A Taurus man will take forever because he chooses his words very carefully. Be patient, and you'll be rewarded for it. Reader Poll: We asked 728 wikiHow readers about the most frustrating part of dating a Taurus, and 77% agreed that it’s when they give you the cold shoulder due to their stubbornness. [Take Poll] So Taurus, even when you get frustrated or stressed, remember not to act too distanced. Your connection will benefit!

Trust his actions.

A Taurus will tell you how he feels through gestures. These are the types of guys who think, why would I tell her how I feel when I could show her? To him, words are empty if they’re not backed up by observable behaviors. Taurus men also happen to get major stress from chatting things out, so conveniently, they’ll usually opt for skipping the convo all together. Instead, he'll tell you how he feels through thoughtful acts: He'll give you special gifts. He'll help you with tough projects. He'll offer you his free time.

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