How to Clear Your Chakras with a Pendulum
How to Clear Your Chakras with a Pendulum
It's hard to live your best life when your chakras are blocked or out of balance. If you have blocked chakras, you might feel physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually unwell. Fortunately, you can clear your chakras with the help of a pendulum. A crystal pendulum will help you detect the energy levels in your chakras so you can unblock them. We’ll walk you through all the steps you need to use a pendulum to clear your chakras.

Pick a pendulum that draws you to it.

You don’t need a special pendulum to clear your chakras. When you’re shopping for a pendulum, pick one with a crystal that vibrates or changes temperature when you hold it. Most pendulums include a crystal. You might use a clear quartz crystal for chakra clearing or balancing because you can program it for any use. If you prefer, you can actually find special chakra pendulums that feature multi-color crystals to represent each chakra.

Cleanse your crystal pendulum so it’s ready to use.

You don’t want lingering energy to affect your chakra reading. Fortunately, it’s really easy to cleanse crystals using one of the five elements. Pick one of the following cleansing methods that works best for you: Water: Hold the pendulum under running water. Water can damage black tourmaline, selenite, malachite, celestine, angelite, or kyanite. Fire: Place your pendulum in direct sunlight to cleanse and charge the crystal. Just be aware some crystals may change colors in sunlight. Air: Waft smoke from incense or burning herbs over your pendulum. Earth: Fill a bowl with coarse salt and bury your pendulum in the salt overnight. Æther: Place your pendulum in the moonlight and surround it with salt.

Ground yourself and connect with your pendulum.

A clear mind will give you better results. Set the scene with incense, candles, and relaxing music if you like. Then, sit or lay in a comfortable position. Take a few minutes to center yourself so you feel relaxed and open to receiving answers. As you do this, hold your pendulum so it picks up on your energy. You might repeat your intention to yourself. You could say, “I’m here to unblock my chakras,” or “Please help me clear my chakras.” If you like, meditate for a few minutes as you connect with your pendulum. Meditating also allows you to set your intentions for clearing your chakras.

Start at your crown or root chakra.

The crown and root chakras are on each end of your spinal column. Your crown chakra is at the top of your head and represents your spiritual life. On the other hand, your root chakra is located at the base of your spine and represents stability and survival. Either chakra is a great starting point. It may be easiest to start at your crown chakra and work your way down. Alternatively, you might start with your root since it's the first chakra. Ask a friend to help if you can because it'll be hard to reach some chakras on your own, especially your root chakra.

Hold the pendulum over your chakra.

Dangle the pendulum 2 to 3 in (5.1 to 7.6 cm) away from your body. If you’re starting with your crown chakra, line the crystal up with the top of your head. If you’re starting with your root chakra, hold the crystal in front of the base of your spine. You want the pendulum to be fairly close to your body. However, don’t hold it so close that it can’t spin around without hitting you.

Be still as your chakra energy moves the pendulum.

At the start, the pendulum should be completely still. After a few moments, the pendulum will start moving on its own if it’s working. Try not to move your hand or arm at all so you don’t accidentally interfere with the pendulum’s response. If your pendulum isn’t moving, it’s possible your chakra is blocked. However, it’s also possible you aren’t holding it in the right place. It may help to move the crystal over slightly to see if that helps.

Use the direction of the movement to figure out if a chakra is open or closed.

Once your pendulum moves, track the direction it swings or spins. This will help you figure out whether or not your chakra is open or blocked. Here’s what the different directions mean: Clockwise spinning means your chakra is open. Counterclockwise spinning means your chakra is blocked or closed. Side-to-side means you have a horizontal block because you’re holding in energy. Up-and-down means you have a vertical block because you’re misusing energy. Diagonally means you’re partially blocked because you’re not being assertive. No motion means your chakra has no energy at all.

Ask your pendulum yes/no questions as an alternative.

You might find it easier to just ask your pendulum questions. Generally, pendulums can give three possible answers: yes, no, or undecided. Just hold your pendulum over your chakra and ask, “Is this chakra blocked?” Soon, you’ll have your answer. For example, swinging clockwise might mean “yes,” while swinging counterclockwise might mean “no.” Swinging in a straight line might mean “undecided.” When you first start using a pendulum, find how it gives yes, no, and undecided answers by holding the pendulum and asking it “What is a “yes” answer?” Then, watch how it moves. Your pendulum should give you a different movement for “yes,” “no”, and “undecided.” If it doesn’t, try again.

Determine energy flow based on the width of the movement.

Pendulums also measure the amount of energy in your chakras. Wide circles or swings mean you have a lot of energy in your chakra. On the other hand, small movements mean you have low energy. In general, all of your chakras should have the same amount of energy. If you have some chakras that have less energy, you’re out of balance.

Repeat the process for each of your 7 chakras.

Go through the chakras in order. Check the direction your pendulum swings over each one to look for blocked chakras and imbalances. Here is what each chakra represents and where to find it: Crown chakra (spirituality & openness): located at the top of your head. Third-eye chakra (mind & imagination): located around your forehead. Throat chakra (communication & self-expression): located in your throat. Heart chakra (love, compassion, & peace): located at the center of your chest. Solar plexus chakra (confidence): located in the center of your torso. Sacral chakra (sexuality & creativity): located in your lower abdomen. Root chakra (security & stability): located at the base of your spine.

Meditate on any blocked or unbalanced chakras to heal them.

Meditation is a great way to clear your chakras. It’s simple and easy because all you really need to do is concentrate on your chakras and imagine positive energy flowing to them. If you like, you can use chants to target a specific chakra: Crown: chant the word “ng,” which is pronounced like “ing” or “eng.” Third-eye: chant “om." Throat: chant “ham.” Heart: chant "yam.” Solar plexus: chant “ram.” Sacral: chant “vam.” Root: chant “lam.”

Use your pendulum to make sure your chakra is open now.

Hopefully, your meditation cleared your chakras. To make sure, start back at your crown or root chakra and test each chakra to make sure it’s open and balanced. If you still have a blockage, try meditating on that chakra again.

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