How to Do a Front Walkover
How to Do a Front Walkover
If you’re a gymnast, cheerleader or dancer, you will need to master a front walkover. It’s one of the most common skills needed in routines. Although it can be difficult to do at first, a front walkover only requires mastering a few key steps. You should be doing a front walkover in no time!

Preparing for a Front Walkover

Master other exercises first. You can break the front walkover down into other exercises that you can master before you try the full skill. Think of a front walkover as being similar to a cartwheel, but more advanced. It’s more difficult and requires more balance, though. Practice bridges, front limbers, and handstands, handstands in split positions, and a standing backbend while holding one leg up. To do a front limber, perform a handstand into a bridge. Let your legs fall over. Once your feet contact the floor, push off the floor with your hands to stand up, with your arms up. Push your shoulders back. The balls of your feet should touch the floor first. Then, put your heels down and keep in the bridge position for a few seconds. Then, stand up. The front limber is similar to a front walkover, but the difference is you keep your legs together. To do a bridge, lie on your back. Keep your hands by your ears, and your feet should remain flat on the floor. Push up into the bridge position. Try to keep the arch of your back high to help with the flexibility of the back. Push your legs until they are straight, and your shoulders are directly over your hands. Handstands can be quite difficult. If you cannot stay up at all, start by putting your hands flat on the ground about six inches away from a wall, fingers pointing to the wall, and kicking up until you are standing on your hands with your feet resting against the wall. You can try giving a tiny kick so that you are away from the wall and can practice balancing on your own. You should eventually be able to stand upright, place your hands flat on the floor, and kick into a handstand position without using a wall to correct yourself.

Work on your flexibility overall. Doing a front walkover requires a lot of flexibility in your legs as well as in your back. If you improve the flexibility of your body, you will have an easier time completing the exercise In addition to lower back flexibility, it’s important to develop flexibility in other areas of your body too, such as shoulders, core stability, and butt strength. Work on stability and strength issues throughout the body in consultation with a coach. Improving flexibility takes time. One way to gain flexibility is through partner stretching, targeting areas like the shoulders for 10-60 seconds. For example, have another person lift your upper arms.

Stretch and stay safe. Don’t try to push yourself beyond your abilities. It can take time to master a basic front walkover, and that’s okay. If you do not stretch, you may hurt yourself. You need to stretch your entire body because every part of you stretches during a front walkover, but pay particular attention to your back. Use a safe mat in case you fall, and use a spotter in the beginning until you are more comfortable with the skill. Stretch your ankles and your wrists. Try doing the splits and bend your back. Do a bridge to stretch your back. Squat down, tuck your chin, and allow your body to roll over your head. Make sure you keep your body curled in a ball so you do not hurt your tailbone.

Beginning a Front Walkover

Get into the starting position. To do a front walkover, you need to stand as if you are going into a handstand. Put your legs in a split position. Start with whichever leg is easiest for you. You should form a lunge position, putting your arms straight up by your ears and bending one knee while lunging forward with the other leg straight behind you. Start off by looking at the ground. Keep your legs apart as you stand in this position. Stand facing forward. Put one foot slightly in front of the other, and make sure to point your toes. Breathe out, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Start to bend forward in order to place your hands on the ground with your fingers pointing forward. You will want to lock your elbows when your hands touch the ground.

Kick your back leg up into the air. As your first leg is approaching a vertical position, kick your other leg up into the air. Move your weight to your arms and shoulders. It’s important to follow through. Keep your legs extended as you pull them up, over and behind your shoulders. Keep your toes pointed, and make sure that your legs are straight and an equal amount apart. As you pull your leading leg toward the ground behind you, slightly bend that knee. This will help you absorb your landing. At this time, your other leg will move into a vertical position.

Completing a Front Walkover

End the walkover properly. Shift your weight back to your leading leg as it touches down. Then, push off the ground with your hands. You should end in the same position you started in. Make sure that you plant your feet as you land. Keep your arms flexed when you land. Use your abdominal muscles in order to come back into a standing position. It can be tempting to put your chin to your chest and pull your arms forward to help you get up, but you should actually keep your head back and just use your stomach muscles to pull you up. Make sure that you do each step in a continuous motion. Fluidity of movement is very important. If you can get up from a bridge and still can't do a front walkover, that probably means your feet need to be closer to your head when you land.

Make sure to stay in the proper form. You should press your hips forward, and make sure that you don’t stand up too fast. That could make you fall backwards. Your natural momentum is very important and will push you upright. Your head and arms should be the last to come into their final position. After you master a basic front walkover, you can add other skills into the walkover to make it more complex. Be careful trying any skills on your own. You don’t want to get hurt. You could join a gymnastics club and take classes or private lessons. For most people, it takes a lot of time and practice to achieve their first front walkover. Just be patient!

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