How to Draw a Fire Type Pokémon
How to Draw a Fire Type Pokémon
Welcome, Fire trainers! Are you looking to expand your artistic capabilities? Do you want to bring to life your favorite Fire-type on paper? Today this article will show you how to draw your own Fire-type Pokémon from scratch. So let's get started!

Start with the shape you're going for. This screenshot shows two spaced apart circles for a new Pokémon. Remember to draw lightly!

Draw the guidelines. Remembering these guidelines will help you place the face and the body.

Sketch the face. Remember that there are a wide array of faces for your character.

Add some limbs. Don't go directly into detail; just draw lines for arms and legs.

Add bulk to your character by making its shape.

Add fingers and toes to your creation. This is essential; not a lot of Pokémon have arms or legs so this rule can be void if you want.

Draw an outfit. Not a lot of humanoid Pokémon have clothes, but it's best if some do. Even Pokémon can be shy.

Define details and inking. After adding all your details, in you can begin inking. After all that you are free to color.

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