How to Evolve As a Scorpio
How to Evolve As a Scorpio
Out of all the signs, Scorpio is the most interested in transformation. Your sign is known for your insight and great courage, and your evolution as a Scorpio involves making positive changes to truly make use of these strengths. If you're interested in evolving as a Scorpio, we've got everything you need to know. Read on to learn about the stages of Scorpio, how you can evolve, and the attributes of your sign that may guide the changes you make.This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

What are the stages of Scorpio?

Scorpion. A scorpion possesses a tough outer shell, and it uses its stinger to protect itself from predators. Astrologers see this as a metaphor for Scorpio's self-protective habits, like keeping your guard up and exacting revenge when you've been hurt. You know how to keep yourself safe, which is a great skill, but your evolution might involve finding ways to protect yourself while also opening up to people without fear.

Eagle. An eagle watches over potential threats, flies above its prey, and soars in the air towards its destination. This is the second stage of a Scorpio's development, as it represents your ability to go for what you want and keep yourself out of harm's way. To evolve even further, you'll have to allow yourself to get close to others and be vulnerable.

Phoenix. The phoenix is a mythological bird that's associated with resurrection and immortality. Astrologers interpret this as a metaphor for Scorpio's ability to accept the darkness within and reinvent themselves as stronger than before. In this state, you're able to be honest about your past, deepen your connections, and help people who are struggling.

How do you evolve as a Scorpio?

Communicate openly with your loved ones. You're very in tune with your emotions, which helps you know yourself and understand how you feel. You might struggle to open up about these feelings to other people, though. In order to evolve, express what you're feeling on the inside and let yourself be vulnerable. It will strengthen your relationships and help you feel less alone. If you're upset about something a family member said, let them know instead of keeping it inside. You might say, "I understand you were just joking around, but your comment kind of hurt my feelings." If you ever tear up while you're expressing your emotions, remember that this is a sign of strength. Everyone gets upset sometimes, and it takes courage to show how you really feel.

Trust people without testing them first. To protect yourself from betrayal, you might question your loved ones' loyalty. Though this is completely understandable, you may be happier in the long run if you let your guard down. To do this, see the best in people and let yourself rely on them (despite your fears). You'll likely be surprised to find that they're happy to be there for you and aren't going anywhere. Open yourself up to new connections, even if you're wary of trusting people at first. Make plans with new friends, go out on dates if you're single, and let yourself be hopeful for a positive outcome. Avoid ignoring your friends or romantic partners to test how much they care about you. This kind of manipulation might protect you in the short term, but it can sometimes push people away.

Remember that you can’t control every outcome. You are strong-willed and determined, which are both admirable qualities. Sometimes, though, these traits can manifest in controlling behavior at work or in your relationships. Try to remember that some things in life simply aren't in your control (like other people's behavior and feelings). Knowing this can help you relax, listen to others, and embrace spontaneity. If you're working on a team project, for example, listen to other people's plans and ideas before assuming leadership. Resist the temptation to control the outcome of a relationship. You can't make someone feel a certain way, so try to let it happen naturally by being yourself and spending quality time with them.

Let go of any grudges. It's understandable to want revenge after someone hurt you, but it might not serve you in the long run. It's okay if you're not ready to forgive, but try to focus your energy on building yourself back up again and living your best life. Being happy and making your dreams come true is the ultimate payback. If a friend betrayed you, for example, take some space from them and throw yourself into your life goals. Apply to your dream job, paint a masterpiece, or plan a trip to a city you've always wanted to visit.

Control your emotions. Your emotional intuition makes you a very caring person, but it may also cause you to feel things a little more intensely. To evolve, find ways to calmly reflect upon your emotions before you act on them, and learn how to take a break from your thoughts so you don't overthink or get stressed. Write out your feelings in a journal to let out your feelings in a healthy way. If you're dealing with some difficult emotions, crumple up the page and recycle it when you're done. If your thoughts get overwhelming, distract yourself by going on a walk, taking yourself out for a long drive, or watching a movie.

Find your passions. Scorpio is one of the most passionate signs, and you're capable of achieving some remarkable things. To transform, harness that drive and determination towards what will truly make you happy. You'll be most fulfilled in life if you put your energy towards something positive, like helping others, bringing a meaningful service to the world, or creating beautiful art. If you're not quite sure what will make you happy, take up new skills and hobbies. You might try volunteering at a local organization, learning how to play an instrument, or signing up for a new class. Once you've found your passions, share them with others. Teach others the skills you've learned, post your music or artwork online, or encourage others to get involved in a cause you support.

Scorpio Attributes

Scorpio is ruled by planet Pluto. Pluto is associated with transformation, death, and secrets. Its rule over Scorpio influences your sign to be interested in life's mysteries, like death and sex. When trying to evolve, harness Pluto's influence by meeting life's darker moments with strength, self-control, and compassion. Because Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, they tend to be very cautious.

Scorpio is ruled by the 8th House. The 8th House represents all types of transformation, including death, rebirth, and life-changing experiences. Its rule over your sign encourages you to take an honest look at life, even when it gets scary or confusing, so that you can transform for the better.

Scorpio is a water sign. Though often mistaken for a fire sign due to your fiery, passionate nature, Scorpio is 1 of the 3 water signs. This means that your sign is particularly in tune with your fluid, ever-changing emotions. You hold a lot of passionate feelings inside, and in order to evolve, you'll have to learn how to share those with others.

Scorpio is a fixed sign. This is your sign's modality, and it describes your usual behavior and the way you go through life naturally. Fixed signs are often hard-working and capable of making your dreams come true. Your determination and faith in your way of doing things may cause you to get a little stubborn. Remember to listen to other people and be open to change.

Scorpio is symbolized by the "M" glyph. When representing Scorpio, the "M" shape includes a pointy tail at its end. Since the glyph's tail is pointed in an upward direction, some astrologers interpret the shape as a representation of a Scorpio's relentless drive to reach their highest potential. Many also believe the pointed end represents a scorpion's stinger, since the scorpion is another common symbol for Scorpio. The "M" glyph is represented by this emoji: ♏ .

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