How to Fix Earbuds
How to Fix Earbuds
Having broken earbuds can be frustrating when you’re trying to listen to something, but, depending on the problem, they can be relatively quick, easy, and inexpensive to fix. If a single earbud only cuts out occasionally, try twisting and taping the cord until sound comes through it again. If twisting the cord doesn’t work, you may need to open the earbud and solder the connection if you’re able to. In some cases, you may need to buy new earbuds. However, if you protect your earbuds when you aren’t using them, you can keep them in working order!

Taping Problem Areas

Identify the problem area. Slip the earbuds in your ears and play some music. When they begin acting up, pay attention to where the issue seems to be coming from. If they’re only cutting out on one side, it most likely means there’s a short in that earbud. If you’re not hearing any sound at all, the split may be near the jack, or the short metal prong that plugs into your device. Note: Electrical shorts most often originate in the section of the cord next to the jack or the earbuds themselves, as this is where most of the physical wear and tear takes place. If you have another pair of earbuds lying around, try plugging them in to make sure it’s not the headphone jack on the device that’s the issue. For example, if neither set of earbuds work when plugged into your iPhone, you may need to fix the headphone jack on your iPhone instead of the earbuds.

Twist the cord until the earbuds begin working. Bend, straighten, and adjust the cord around the damaged site. As you do, you might hear music again as the severed ends of the wires brush against one another. When you get the cord into a position that allows the earbuds to function correctly, hold it steady. Twist the cord slowly so you can stop it as soon as you get it in a working position. In less common instances, the broken wires will be closer to the center of the cord. Be sure to test the entire length of the cord to find out where the disconnect is.

Tape the cord to hold it in place. While keeping pressure on the cord with one hand, use your free hand to wrap a stiff piece of electrical or duct tape around the section where the short is. The tape will compress the sheath around the wires, keeping them in contact with one another. As long as you don’t remove the tape, you should be able to continue using your earbuds. If possible, bend the cord over on itself at the site of the short and tape it together at the kink. This will prevent it from moving around as much.

Consider purchasing a replacement pair of earbuds. Taping your earbuds may get them working again, but it’s only a temporary fix. If you keep experiencing technical difficulties, you may need to invest in a new set or make some manual repairs. Fortunately, earbuds tend to be fairly inexpensive these days. You can buy a brand new pair of earbuds for as little as $10-20 at most electronics stores and online retailers. If your earbuds are under warranty, it may also be possible to send them back to the manufacturer in exchange for a functioning set or refund. A quick peek at the user's manual or product receipt for your earbuds should tell you whether or not they're under warranty.

Soldering Broken Connections

Pinpoint the source of the issue. Put your earbuds in and listen closely to determine where the sound is cutting out. If only one earbud is dead, it usually means there’s a short in that section of the wiring. If there’s no output whatsoever, the damage may be located around the jack.

Pry open the plastic housing of a defective earbud. To do this, you’ll need to use a small, thin tool, such as a flat blade screwdriver or pocket knife. Wedge the tip of the tool into the groove where the two halves of the housing fit together, then push down and twist sharply to force them apart. Unless your earbuds are designed to be opened up, you may need to super glue them back together once you’re done with your repairs.

Inspect the earbuds for faulty wiring. Inside the earbud, you should see two copper wires, each running to a different terminal around the edges of the circular circuit board. You’re looking for wires that have broken or come loose from their terminals. If both wires seem to be in their proper place, the broken connection may be lower down the cord near the jack.

Remove the barrel from the jack if that’s where the issue lies. Sometimes, the loose wire isn’t in one of the earbuds, but in the jack that plugs into your phone, laptop, or car stereo. In this case, you’ll need to remove the protective plastic barrel and peel back the rubber coating in order to expose the wires underneath. With the barrel out of the way, you’ll be able to apply solder freely as needed. Note: If there’s no way to remove the barrel from your earbud jack, you may have no choice but to snip it off with a pair of scissors and buy a replacement jack to solder the exposed wires onto later. Headphone jack repair kits usually only cost $8-10. Some headphone jacks have barrels that screw off. Others can be pulled away using a little bit of force.

Clean away the old solder inside the earbuds before resoldering them. Lay the end of the desoldering braid flat over the blob of solder where the shorted wire has pulled away from the terminal. Heat the braid with your soldering iron where the two materials meet. The tightly-woven copper will wick up the remnants of the old solder, clearing the way for the new. Desoldering braids (sometimes known as “desoldering wicks”) can be found at any hardware store or home improvement center. Once you’re done removing a blob of solder, cut the end off of the desoldering braid and repeat the process for each of the remaining blobs where the wire has come loose using a fresh section.

Solder the broken wires back to the terminals inside the earbuds. Now that the faulty solder is out of the way, reattach the loose wire to its terminal and press a length of .032-diameter electronics solder into the joint. Heat the solder with your soldering iron to melt it and resecure the wire. Proceed to solder each broken wire. If both wires are broken, you can reconnect them to either of the terminals on the circuit board. It may help to use a table clamp or pair of pliers to hold the cord and earbud together while you’re working.

Reconnect each colored wire to its respective terminal to fix the jack. When soldering split wires at the jack, it’s important to first make sure they’re running to the right terminals. On most pairs of earbuds, the copper wire should go to the large central terminal, the red wire to the smaller righthand terminal, and the green wire to the left. Connecting the wires to the wrong terminals could fail to solve the problem. If you had to cut off the jack to uncover the broken wires, purchase a replacement jack and solder the wires to the color-coded terminals as described in the included instructions. On some replacement jacks, you can simply wind the broken wire through the small hole in the terminal a few times rather than soldering it on.

Test the earbuds to make sure they work. Plug in your earbuds and play some music to confirm that you’re getting sound out of both sides. Once you’ve repaired the damage to the internal wiring, they should be as good as new. Happy listening! If you’re still not getting any sound, it may be because the solder didn’t hold, or you’ve accidentally run the colored wires to the wrong terminals. You have to try again in order to correct your mistake. It's hard to justify the difficulty and expense of repairing shorts in the middle of the cord. If you suspect that's where the issue lies, you may be better off simply buying a new set of earbuds.

Extending Earbud Life

Pull earbuds out from your device by the base rather than the cord. Whenever you plug in or remove the earbuds from your device, grab the thick plastic base around the metal jack. That way, you don’t disconnect any of the wires when you pull it out. Always pull slowly rather than yanking it out in a quick motion. Tip: Wrap a layer of electric tape around the base to give it extra security so the cord can’t bend.

Keep your earbuds wrapped or in a case while you’re not using them. Unplug the cord from your device and wrap them in a loose circle around your hand. Once your cord is wrapped, either set the earbuds on a flat surface so they don’t get tangled. If you want an additional layer of protection, put the earbuds in a soft or hard case so you can carry them around easily. Never leave your earbuds in your pocket or wrapped around the device since it puts strain on the cord or it could get tangled. You can buy earbud cases online or at electronics stores.

Clean your earbuds frequently. If your earbuds have removable rubber tips, take them off and wipe them with soapy water to remove any wax or dust from them. Use a dry toothbrush to scrub the small speakers to remove any buildup that may be blocking the speakers. Let the rubber tips dry completely before putting them back on your earbuds. Never get your earbuds completely wet or else they will stop working.Tip: If you do get water in your earbuds, immediately put them in a container of rice to help them dry out. Leave the earbuds there for 2-3 days so they don’t get too damaged.

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