How to Get a Doctorate in History
How to Get a Doctorate in History
A doctorate, or Ph.D., in history generally takes between five to seven years to finish. It is the highest degree that you can earn in the field. To graduate with a Ph.D. in history you will need to successfully complete your coursework and write a book-length dissertation. Reaching out to other students and faculty for support along the way will help you to reach your goal. You will also need to devote the majority of your time to the study of history. It is not easy to earn a doctorate in history, but it is worthwhile for many people.

Applying to a Graduate Program

Study history or a related subject at the undergraduate level. It is best if you major in history. But, if you don’t, then take as many history classes as you can. Vary your classes so that they cover a wide variety of topics and time periods. Take classes that require you to write substantial research papers. Make sure to take a handful of your history classes with the same professors so that they will get to know you well and be able to write strong recommendation letters for you. On that note, it is also best to start taking history courses early in your undergraduate career. Don’t wait until junior year, if possible. Many Ph.D, programs also admit M.A. graduates as well. Whether at the undergraduate or M.A. level, try to publish prior to applying for a Ph.D. program. It may be difficult to find a publication venue, so encyclopedias are often a good option. Ask your professors for publication advice and assistance.

Develop an area of historical interest. You need to have a general idea of what areas of history intrigue you upon entering a Ph.D. program. Prior to applying, reflect on what you enjoy learning about the most. Consider what types of historical questions intrigue you and which ones bore you. You also need to be very clear that history in general is the graduate subject for you. Don’t go overboard on specifics. While some people come in to graduate programs with a dissertation topic in hand, that is not necessary. You will spend a good deal of your first year exploring various topics in consultation with your advising professors.

Consider your career aspirations and options. Take a moment to look online and you will discover that the job market for Ph.D.s in history is extraordinarily competitive. There are many Ph.D.s graduating and not many of them will land full-time tenure track positions. Be realistic about whether you would be okay taking an adjunct or part-time teaching position for a period of time. Start to think about other career options as well. With a history Ph.D. a wide variety of jobs beyond academia are available to you. Some use their writing skills in the private sector as editors. Others work in historic preservation. Some find places in museums or in other educational outreach organizations.

Talk with your undergraduate advisors. All of your professors attended graduate school at one time or another and, odds are, they’ve stayed in touch with their universities and programs. Make an appointment with your history professors to solicit their advice on applying and on your program choices. Come to this meeting prepared with your curriculum vitae or resume, your test scores, and a potential writing sample. If one of your undergraduate professors offers to reach out to a graduate professor or program for you, let them do it. Nothing beats having a professional connection built in advance of your application. Remember, however, that your professor’s opinions are just opinions. If you are set on a particular school, be sure to check it out before dismissing it outright.

Research possible graduate programs. Start by going online to find programs that are strong in your particular area of historical interest. Certain programs specialize in particular types or categories of history. Then, narrow it down depending on location, financial aid packages available, size of the program, etc. Spend a good amount of time on each department’s website. They usually give a program profile that will tell you how many students are currently enrolled, how many are accepted each year, and how many faculty are involved. They usually also contain previews or complete lists of courses offered. Given the competitiveness of the current job market, pay particular attention to any information regarding the placement of graduates. Many programs will post placements rates and/or provide lists of recent graduates and their positions. Two examples of departmental specialization are Rutgers University, which has a very strong women’s and gender history element, and University of New Mexico, which emphasizes the study of the American West. The points of emphasis can and do change so make sure to look for recent information as you research.

Contact faculty at doctoral programs. Most departmental websites will list faculty names and contact information, usually alongside their specialties, publications, courses taught, etc. Once you’ve narrowed down your list to around 15 schools, reach out to these professors via email. This is best to do before you submit your application so that you can develop a potential ally on the admissions committee. Make sure to reach out, in particular, to the faculty member who you are considering working with. Graduate school, unlike undergraduate studies, is very focused on the mentor relationship. You are essentially applying to the university, the program, and the faculty members in your area of interest. You might introduce yourself in the email by stating, “Dear Professor Stevens, I’m Michael Smith, a junior currently enrolled at the University of Alabama, and I plan to apply to your doctoral program for the fall of 2017.” Go on to tell them what interests you about their work in particular and the program in general. Don’t be surprised if they put you in contact with a few current graduate students. These are great contacts to ask about housing, the culture on campus, etc.

Send in your applications. At least two weeks prior to the deadline mail or e-submit all of your completed application materials. Most programs require that you send in the application fee, a letter of intent, a writing sample, three letters of reference, and GRE or other test scores. Some schools require more or less documentation, especially if you are applying for assistantships. Be aware that students entering a doctoral program with a M.A. in hand may need to submit additional documents. They may also be able to move into an accelerated graduation path, perhaps ‘skipping’ a few hours of coursework.

Choose the best program for you. You will start to receive acceptance or rejection letters mid-spring and then you will need to make your final admission decision. Some schools will invite you to come visit their campus. If they pay for it or you can afford to do so, this is always a good idea. Talk to the faculty or to graduate students again if that might help as well. This is also the time to carefully consider your financial situation. Your admission offer may come with funding in the form of an assistantship or fellowship. Look over the details and be realistic about what you want and need. Be aware that while some programs offer full funding it is often still well below real standard living costs (i.e. $18,000/year in an urban environment).

Excelling at Your Graduate Studies

Concentrate on your coursework. You will usually take 9 hours of classes a semester for 2-3 years in order to complete your coursework requirements. These courses are generally divided between colloquiums (emphasizing reading and analysis) and seminars (emphasizing the creation of a full-length research product). Your progress through coursework will be evaluated on a semester or yearly basis by the Director of Graduate Studies along with your advisor and other faculty members. This is standard practice. Be aware that an “A” or “A-“ are generally the only acceptable grades in doctoral history programs. A “B+” in a class is generally a warning sign. Some schools work as consortiums, meaning that you may be able to take classes at other universities and count them toward your doctoral coursework. This often allows for a wider range of topics and more flexible scheduling.

Develop a close relationship with your advisor. Drop by their office frequently or make formal appointments. Attend any events that they are involved in. Respond to all email or phone requests promptly and professionally. Put some serious effort into forming this relationship as it will become enormously important to you both professionally and personally. Your advisor’s research interests will often match your own, so they can guide you through the field. They will also oversee your qualifying exams, your dissertation research, and your defense. They are generally a full-time faculty member who has the time to devote to mentoring students. You can come into your program with a mentor in mind. However, you usually wait a few months into coursework before formally approaching the professor and asking them to serve in this capacity.

Pass your comprehensive exams. These are also called your qualifying exams. They take place following the conclusion of your coursework and are meant to test your knowledge of your primary and secondary fields of history. They are usually a combination of written and oral exams with the writing portion usually coming first. You must pass these exams to move on to your dissertation research. This is also usually the point where you have to pass a foreign language test as well. This is especially important if your subject area requires a language outside of your primary one. From when you conclude your exams you usually have six years in which to complete the program and graduate with your Ph.D.

Conduct dissertation research. As soon as you finish your comps, you can begin devoting the majority of your time to researching. Start by creating a dissertation proposal that contains a basic outline of your research plan. Once your proposal is approved you are released to work on your project with less direct faculty oversight, in most cases. When writing a research proposal, try to make sure that you're really clear on what you're doing. Go back to the brainstorming process and try to get more clarity on what exactly it is that you're trying to research. Ask yourself, "Is this something that's feasible? Is it something that's going to provide new and useful knowledge?" You need to be interested in the subject, and it needs to be something novel. It's also important that the subject is something useful that contributes to your field of study. Now you are called “ABD” or “All But Dissertation.” You’ve completed all requirements except for the dissertation. This is the period where you will travel, if necessary, and visit archives. You will possibly spend some time away from the department while still registering for research hours.

Write a book-length dissertation. Once your research is finished, or during the process itself, you’ll begin the writing stage. Your advisor may request your drafts as you finish them or may just want to see the final project in rough form. You will also want to share your writing progress with your now-established dissertation committee.

Defend your dissertation. When you’ve finished the final draft you will meet with your committee in a public event setting to discuss and defend your project. Your defense can last hours depending on the whims of the committee members. This is a daunting time, but also an opportunity to share your enthusiasm and pride for your work. You will generally either be approved, approved pending revisions, approved with a delay, or rejected. Each program comes up with versions of this ranking. If revisions are required, you make them and then submit the properly formatted copy to the university system as directed. If your dissertation is rejected, this is generally a final decision and will result in your removal from the program.

Attend all required meetings. Getting a Ph.D. in history isn’t just about passing the classes and writing the book. You also need to be a solid, reliable departmental citizen. If your department or university puts on a lecture, go to it. If they meet for a volunteer activity, join in and participate. Aside from contributing to your overall well-being, from a pragmatic standpoint attending these events puts you in an even better position to receive positive reference letters during the pending job search.

Complete all paperwork as requested. Be prepared to turn in tons of paperwork during your time as a graduate student. It is part of the professional journey. Pay attention to all departmental calendars and timelines. Ask your department secretary, advisor, or other faculty members for assistance if you need it.

Graduate with your Ph.D. Years after you’ve entered the program, you will graduate with your Ph.D. in hand. This is quite an accomplishment and should be celebrated with fanfare. You are now considered an expert in the study of history.

Developing a Professional Profile

Stay in close contact with your professors. While you are in school, stay in touch by dropping by their offices frequently, asking questions via email, and always attending class. Even after you graduate, make sure to stay in touch with your professors. Send an email every now and then updating them about what you are doing.

Attend conferences. Historians attend conferences, small and large, as a way to share their work with others in a direct, more personal setting (as opposed to publishing in a journal). Go to as many of these events as you can and try to identify the ones that apply to you in particular. For example, if you are a southern historian the Southern Historical Association Annual Meeting is the place to be each fall. Don’t be shy about presenting your work as a graduate student. It is expected and very much encouraged. Your department will likely provide some sort of funding to assist you if your paper is accepted.

Publish or perish. This phrase, luckily, isn’t quite as accurate now as it used to be. However, publishing is still one clear way that you can differentiate yourself from the pack of Ph.D.s graduating every year. Seek out journals or edited collections looking for new content. Contact journal editors for book review opportunities. Ask your advisor for assistance in locating opportunities. Be patient when publishing. You should expect to do numerous revisions and will most likely need to wait for months before actually seeing your work in print.

Search out funding. Aggressively pursue funding for your research and graduate activities. Leave no rock unturned. Look for grants or fellowships in your department, university, local archives, or even non-profit or corporate groups. In some cases your program may even match your monies up to a certain number.

Broaden your professional horizons. A Ph.D. develops a variety of marketable skills as a result of their education and training. They can convey a message coherently and accurately in both written and oral forms. They possess the endurance to complete lengthy and complex projects. They can analyze and organize mass amounts of information. Spend a considerable amount of time considering your unique skills that can set you apart when applying for a position. Make sure to consider jobs outside of academia. They can be quite competitive to land, but they can provide a great deal of professional satisfaction as well. For example, you can work in a museum spreading knowledge to people of all ages. Or, you can find a position in human resources juggling both information and people. Keep your mind open to the possibilities and don't undersell yourself or your abilities.

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