How to Identify Black Angus Cattle
How to Identify Black Angus Cattle
This is an in-depth guide describing how to properly identify Black Angus (also called Angus) cattle, and tell them apart from other breeds that also have black cattle, such as Charolais, Simmental, Limousin, Maine Anjou, Salers and Gelbvieh.

Do a search on the Internet or a Cattle Breeds book on "Angus" or "Black Angus" cattle.

Study the characteristics of the breed. Note the following: Coloration: Angus cattle are all black. Angus associations allow some white to be present just behind the navel under the belly, but all animals that are registered as Angus cattle should be all black, from nose to tail. Because there are around six other breeds that also have black cattle, this can lead to someone who has no experience with cattle or the breeds of this domestic bovine to have great confusion as to what really are Angus cattle and what aren't, not to mention why so many breeds have black cattle instead of following their traditional coloration and characteristics. The reason is this: Since the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) gave the go-ahead for the American Angus Association (AAA) to start a more aggressive campaign to market their beef, the only breed that could make the cut for this marketing campaign was Angus. CAB (Certified Angus Beef) is that marketing scheme that the AAA thought up of to market their cattle through. However, as far as the USDA was concerned, CAB had specifications that were for cattle that were black, no matter if they had a spec of Angus blood in them or not. It was this specification that allowed other breeds to try to infuse Angus genetics in their stock to create "purebred" (as in Charolais) or full-blood cattle that where black. Thus, we now see the breeds mentioned above having black cattle in them to meet these specifications and get a premium for these animals. The AAA also has a program called Angus Source® that allows Angus-sired calves, no matter what other breed[s] they are comprised of, to be eligible for a premium at the auction market and also be qualified to have their meat be sold as Certified Angus Beef. Body type and characteristics: Angus cattle are blocky cattle (which is typical of every beef breed), but are not nearly as muscular as Charolais, Gelbvieh, Simmentals nor Limousins. Bulls should have a muscular crest over their necks, whereas cows should lack this and have an overall feminine look. Most Angus cattle are not big animals. Historically, Angus cows weighed only around 950 to 1200 lbs, and bulls weighed around 1800 to 2300 lbs. Today, you may find a fair number of herds with cows that may reach over 2000 lbs, and bulls weighing over 4000 lbs, however, there are still other herds that have retained the smaller size. Head characteristics: Angus cattle have what cattle producers call "Angus-looking" heads. All Angus are polled cattle; you will never find a purebred Angus with horns. The "Angus look" means that Angus typically have perky-looking ears, a wide forehead with a more narrow and finer muzzle. They have comparably wide lips like the Hereford, but they're a little more finer and more trimmed than Herefords, with slightly smaller noses. Some may say that the head of an Angus looks a little more finer than other breeds like Charolais or Hereford, mostly because the head appears smaller in comparison with the rest of the body. However it is slightly wider across the forehead than a Shorthorn's, though, in bulls, forehead width between Shorthorns and Angus are quite similar. It is more noticeable between Shorthorn and Angus cows, though. The head also appears shorter in length than other breeds like Holstein, Charolais or Limousin. Other characteristics: Angus cattle originate from Aberdeen, Scotland, where the climate there is not all that friendly to many breeds of cattle. Angus are typically hardy, adaptable, generally good natured (though most often less so than Herefords, Highlanders or Shorthorns), and resistant to harsh weather. They mature quite early, and are well-known for their excellent carcass qualities. They have great calving ease qualities, great forage convertibility, good mothering ability, good milking ability, and great ability to do well on their own with minimal management, making them an ideal animal to raise in ranch-like conditions. Their thin skin and black hide, however, make them less-than-ideal to raise in tropical climates because they are able to absorb heat too easily and thus suffer from heat stroke and exhaustion. Angus are, however, great animals to raise in climates with moderate summers and cold, snowy winters.

Go on a field trip or road trip and see if you can find farms and ranches with Angus cattle. Take pictures of what you thought were Angus cattle, and compare them with pictures of Angus cattle on the Internet and in your Cattle breeds book.

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