How to Kiss a Taller Person
How to Kiss a Taller Person
It can often be difficult to kiss someone who is much taller than you, due to the height discrepancy. One of you might have to stoop down low while the other one stands on tiptoes. This can be funny but not always conducive to kissing. Whether or not you are the tall or short one, knowing some tips and tricks can help you overcome the height difference and give your loved one a kiss.

Using Uneven Surfaces to Your Advantage

Utilize uneven ground. If you are standing somewhere where the ground is uneven, stand on the higher ground. This should help you get more on their level.

Stand on a curb. If you are outside near a parking lot or empty street, try standing on the curb to increase your height. This will also prevent your significant other from having to bend down a lot to get to your level.

Stand on rocks or tree stumps. If you are walking around in the woods or someone’s backyard, you can stand on a rock or tree stump to increase your height. Avoid wearing heels or uncomfortable shoes if you plan to do this. Be careful and don’t slip or fall.

Using Objects and Surfaces at Home

Have the taller one sit on a stool. To bring the other person down to your level, have them sit on a bar-style stool. This will bring them closer to your height without making you have to bend over. Sitting in a chair may make them too short, but depending on the height difference, this could work better for you.

Sit on the couch. Having both of you sit on the couch may be one of the easiest ways to overcome the height difference. If you are still much shorter than them, fold your legs under you to give you a little boost. Move closer to your significant other and give them a kiss.

Sit on the taller person’s lap. If you both are comfortable with it, sit in the taller one’s lap. This will naturally elevate you and bring your face closer to their face. You can do this at home or wherever you feel comfortable with public displays of affection.

Find a staircase. Stand on the taller stair to give you a height boost. This is a great and convenient way to become closer to each other’s level. Lean in and wrap your arms around them to show your affection.

Kissing While You’re Out and About

Wear heels or boots. Break out your tallest pair of heels, boots, or platform shoes to get on more even footing. Be careful not to wear shoes that or too tall which could hamper your ability to balance or walk. A great pair of heeled shoes are both alluring and will overcome the difference of height.

Have them pick you up and hold you in their arms. If your significant other is able to pick you up, have them sweep you off your feet and hold you in their arms. This will naturally bring your faces close together, allowing you to both to kiss.

Stand on your tiptoes or on their feet. Stand up on your tiptoes to give your significant other a kiss. They may have to stoop a bit to meet you in the middle, depending on their height. You could also try standing on their feet, as some people like that or don’t mind. Don’t do this if you’re wearing shoes and they are barefoot, as you might end up hurting them.

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