How to Make a Leo Man Miss You After a Breakup
How to Make a Leo Man Miss You After a Breakup
Leos are courageous, vivacious, fiery people. If your ex was born between July 23-August 22, he’s a Leo! Breaking up with a Leo man is especially tough. On one hand, they can bring kindness and passion to relationships. On the other hand, they can be boastful, arrogant, and stubborn. To make a Leo man miss you, you’ll have to appeal to both the strengths and weaknesses of this astrological sign. Here are the top 12 tips for making a Leo man miss you, so you can show him it was a mistake to break up with you.

Make glamorous fashion choices.

Wear your nicest clothes and put effort into your appearance. While Leos are incredibly kindhearted, they can also be quite vain and attracted to superficial beauty. To get your Leo ex to notice you after a breakup, show up at a place he likes while you’re all dressed up, or post photos of yourself looking gorgeous on social media. Leos appreciate luxury. If you can, wear your most expensive outfits and accessories, and indulge in spa treatments to make your skin glow. Even if you don’t turn his head and get his attention right away, you’ll be turning other heads! Guys are very visually-oriented, and will definitely notice your sense of style.

Post fun moments and adventures on social media.

Leos are attracted to extraversion and pure fun. Prove to your Leo man he’s missing out by showing him what a good time you two could be having. Throw a party with your friends, plan an outdoor adventure, go to karaoke night, or cook an elaborate meal. Snap photos and share those good vibes on social media so your ex can see them. To really make him miss you, you need to genuinely be having fun and enjoying your independent life. Most Leos can see right through fakeness!

Spend time with your mutual friends.

Keep your mutual friends updated about your life so they can pass that info along. Leos tend to be the leaders in friend groups, and they love to stay up-to-date on the latest drama. If you maintain your friendships with your mutual friends, they’ll likely talk about you while he’s around. Those conversations might bring up memories of your relationship that’ll make him wish you were still in his life. Grab a meal with your mutual friends, go on outings with them, and show up at parties and other social events. This strategy works particularly well if you’re not in contact via text or social media.

Boost your confidence to match your Leo’s intensity.

Work on yourself to get your Leo ex to miss you. Leos are powerful and confident–and they want a partner who can keep up with that inner strength. Breakups are the worst, but look at the time apart as an opportunity to pursue your own passions and reconnect with what makes you feel empowered. The next time your Leo ex sees you, he’ll be stunned by your confidence and independence, and it’ll make him want you more! Take up a new hobby or take a class on your own to build your confidence. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Talk with strangers, call a loved one, and make an effort to connect with new people. Remember—you can't fake confidence. You have to find a way to feel confident, whether that's getting a new haircut, wearing a stylish outfit, or talking to someone about your struggles.

Spread positivity.

When you’re positive in your interactions with others, your Leo man will notice! Leos are attracted to genuine inner happiness. The next time you see your ex, act upbeat, smile, and highlight things you’re grateful for in your life. Try to embrace this positive mindset all the time, not just when you’re around your ex. To become more positive, take part in activities that challenge your creativity and make you feel productive. Engage in relaxing activities like meditation or yoga, volunteer to help others, and reconnect with the people who bring you joy in your life. If you don’t see your Leo ex in person, try spreading positivity on social media. Create a post celebrating one of your family members or friends.

Ignore him for a while after a rough breakup.

Use this strategy for a haughty Leo who thrives off attention. Leos care a lot about their reputation and being the center of attention. Ignoring him for a little bit might make him miss the attention you used to give him. Just don’t rely on this strategy for too long, or his pride might make him want to push you away even further. After all, Leos secretly crave deep connection. This is a great option if he dumped you. Take some time to yourself to heal while you ignore him. Hold off on texting or calling him. Let him make the first move. Don’t like his posts or comment on his social media. If you broke up dramatically, try not to engage in the drama. Leos love drama, so don’t give him the satisfaction.

Ask him for help if you’re on good terms.

Leos are the ultimate protectors. Even if you’re broken up, your Leo man might still feel a responsibility to help keep you safe and happy. While it’s important not to take advantage of him, you can try asking your Leo ex to help you with something small–even a restaurant recommendation or a piece of advice. His instincts as a leader and protector may fire up and make him miss you. Text him saying, “Can I get your help with something?” Then ask him for help on a topic he likes. For instance, if he’s super tech savvy, ask him for help in picking out a new computer. If you’re still good friends, you can ask him for something deeper, like advice on dealing with a coworker or tough situation.

Show him loyalty through your support.

Deep down, Leos want real love and genuine connection. They may be the life of the party and act above everyone else, but the truth is they want to be accepted for who they are. Care for your Leo ex by being kind and showing him that you’re still there as a friend. Genuinely caring about him will make him miss the emotional connection you once had. Be courteous and compassionate in all your interactions with him, even when you feel hurt. If you’re still friends, ask how he’s doing on a regular basis, and give him support if he needs it. For instance, if you know he has something tough coming up at school or work, text him, “I know you’ve got that tough assignment this week. You’ve got this!” Leos themselves are known for their loyalty!

Give him compliments and praise.

Add a little flattery when you interact with your ex. Leos like to be treated with respect and even reverence. Remind your Leo you were good for him by pointing out his strengths. Appeal to your Leo’s vanity by complimenting his physical appearance. For instance, if you’ve noticed your ex got a haircut, say something like, “Wow, your hair looks amazing.” If you don’t see him in person, try reaching out via social media to drop a compliment on his latest post.

Be optimistic about your future together.

Draw your Leo back to you with optimism. Instead of thinking negatively or hopelessly about your relationship, focus on what you could change and how you could make it work if you got back together. If you decide to talk to your Leo about getting back together, project that optimism, and it just might make him miss the relationship even more. Remind him of dreams and goals you shared when you were together. The happiest couples pursue goals together. Get nostalgic about the good times in your relationship. For example, text him something like, "I went to that restaurant we used to love on third street." Don’t speak negatively or gossip about your past relationship–it might get back to him, and the negativity will push him away.

Wait for him to ask to get back together.

Leos don’t like being told what to do. Instead, they value the ability to control their own destinies and make their own choices. Even though it’s tough, be patient during the break up. Once your Leo ex misses you enough, you can start indirectly hinting at getting back together. Say something like, “I’ve missed you” rather than “I think we should get back together.”

Don’t try to make him jealous.

You'll hurt your Leo (and your chances of getting back together) if you betray his loyalty. It might be tempting to flaunt a new romantic relationship in front of your Leo ex, but that won’t make him miss you. Attempts to make him jealous will just wound his pride and make him view you negatively. Try to be genuine with your Leo ex. Leos resent people who try to manipulate them.

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