How to Rename a Dog
How to Rename a Dog
Whether you're giving your newly adopted furry friend their forever name, or just found a name that suits your long-time pal much better, it's a big change! Luckily, dogs are smart and will pick up on that change soon enough, so long as you stay consistent and clear. We'll show you how to teach your dog a new name, as well as offer helpful ideas for choosing a new name. Time to reintroduce yourselves!
Things You Should Know
  • Call your dog by their new name and offer them training treats any time they respond to it.
  • Say the new name in a happy and excited voice to help your dog associate it with positive feelings.
  • Avoid using your dog's old name so you don't confuse them, and to help them get used to the new name.

Teaching A New Name

Break out the treats. Teaching a dog his new name is very much like teaching him anything else. Similarly to when training the command "come", your dog should learn to associate his new name with treats and attention as positive reinforcement. Give everyone in the household a few treats to keep in their pockets, and ask them to occasionally call the dog's new name and give him or her a treat. Be sure to always say the dog's name in a positive tone of voice. Do not use your dog's name in an exasperated or upset voice or when scolding him and telling him "no." It's important that your dog learn to associate his new name with a positive experience, not punishment and unhappiness. Make sure each member of the household knows this.

Take your dog to an area where you can keep his attention. Try your own backyard or another quiet outdoor space where there are no other dogs to distract him. You could also begin the training process in your own home. You can have him either on or off of his leash.

Begin by saying the new name in a happy, excited voice. Then give him a treat accompanied by a lot of praise. Repeat this several times over the course of about 5 minutes. Your dog will quickly learn that his new name means he should focus on the caller. It's important that these training sessions be short because dogs have short attention spans and are easily bored. Try to scatter several of these short sessions throughout the day. When outside of one of these sessions, you should say his name every time you talk to him. Also, you can occasionally say your dog's name when he is not focused on you, but don't overdo it. If he responds, be sure to give him a treat and a lot of praise.

Say your dog's name when he is not focused on you. After several sessions where you say your dog's name when you have his attention, wait until he is not looking at you before saying his name. Again, say it in your happy and excited voice. If your dog is on a leash and does not turn to you when called, gently pull him to you while saying his name again and giving him a lot of praise and a treat. This will help him associate his name with a positive experience.

Stop giving your dog treats gradually. Once your dog is consistently responding when you call his new name, it's time to slowly stop giving him treats. Start by only giving him a treat every other time he responds and comes when he hears his name. Then slowly reduce the treats until they are longer needed.

Be persistent. While it might take your dog a while to learn his new name, if you use the name frequently and always in a happy tone, and consistently give your dog treats and praise, he will soon respond to his new name every time you say it! Don't be tempted to use the dog's old name. Even if you just want your dog to pay attention, or you keep letting the dog's old name slip out, this will only confuse him. If you're still in contact with the dog's old owners (for example, if you were given the dog by other members of your extended family), ask them to use the dog's new name when around him.

Choosing A Name

Be reassured that changing your dog's name is fine. While your dog will probably be confused at the beginning, dogs quickly learn new names. Additionally, many experts recommend changing the names of dogs who are known, or are suspected, to have been abused or dogs who have come from a very negative environment. This is because such trauma might have led the dog to associate his original name with punishment, abuse, and fear. In these situations, you are changing more than just the dog's name; you're also helping him recover and move forward from trauma. There's no reason to feel guilty about renaming a dog, just as long as the previous owner didn't specifically request that the name not be changed.

Select a name. Once you've decided to change your dog's name, the next step will be deciding what the new one will be. For advice, read how to name your new puppy or dog. Here are some basic guidelines: If you know what the dog's previous name was, consider choosing something similar to the original name to help your dog learn his new name more easily. For example, the names could rhyme or begin with the same sound. Typically, it is easier for your dog to learn a shorter name, one that is 1-2 syllables long, such as Ruby, Bonnie, Billy, etc. Try to use 'hard' consonants or vowels, such as 'k,' 'd,' and 't'. These are easier for dogs to hear and distinguish from soft consonants, like 'f,', 's', or 'm.' For example, names like Katie, Deedee, and Tommy are names that most dogs will recognize and respond to more quickly than names like Fern or Shana. Avoid names that sound like commands commonly used for dogs, such as "no," "sit," "stay," and "come." These can make it very difficult for your dog to know exactly what you want him to do. Avoid picking a name that sounds like the names of other family members or household pets. This too can result in confusion for your dog and slow his learning process. Avoid using temporary nicknames until you choose a proper name, as being called multiple names can confuse a dog and make renaming him more difficult.

Tell everyone in your household about the new name. Before you begin re-training your dog, make sure everyone knows the name is being changed and is agreement about the new name. It can be very confusing for a dog if he is being called multiple names. By letting everyone know, the training process will be more consistent.

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