How to Ride Downhill on a Skateboard
How to Ride Downhill on a Skateboard
Ridding downhill on a skate board can be fun. But if you don't do it right, it can be very dangerous. If you are worried about safety, or just want to know how to do it right on your first try, then this wikiHow is for you.

Learn how to stop first! The most common and safe method is to footbrake. Take your back foot off of the board and slide it along the ground until you slow down and stop. If you're comfortable enough on the board, you can also tailslide. With your back foot on the tail, push down on it so the tail drags along the ground. Lean forward so the board doesn't slide out. This is not recommended by most people because it tears up the tail of your board. An alternative to tail-sliding that doesn't tear up your tail is to heel-slide. It's the same thing as a tailslide except your back foot's heel is hanging over the back of the tail, so the heel of your shoe slides on the ground instead of the tail sliding on the ground.

Keep your front trucks looser than your back trucks. Wobbles start in the back, so it is good to have the front trucks looser than the back trucks. Just make sure that they are not too tight or it might be harder to carve/turn. This is the best thing to do because this will help minimize your wobbling when you are going fast. As you get more comfortable with your abilities, you can start to loosen your trucks.

Stay calm. When you get nervous or afraid, you put tension in your muscles which can cause you to over correct each turn. If you stay relaxed and loose, the likelihood of getting speed wobbles is dramatically reduced.

Keep most of your weight over the front truck. Crouching with your knees while going downhill will also reduce speed wobbling. Don't crouch too low. Also remember to keep your legs fairly loose, otherwise you may get additional speed wobbles from your muscles tensing. If you begin to experience speed wobbles try to loosen up your legs and slowly straighten up your stance. Keeping your weight over your front trucks will also help to minimize speed wobble and give you better control over your board.

Bail out only if you absolutely have to. Otherwise, there are several things that you should always attempt first: Try making very wide, deep carves to slow yourself down. Foot brake to lose some speed by lightly dragging your foot off the deck and on the ground. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways of scrubbing off speed, especially when there isn't enough room to carve. Bailing should be done only as a last resort, but if necessary try to bail onto grass or make sure that you roll when you fall.

Ride away smoothly once you're at the bottom.

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