How to Stay Energized at Work
How to Stay Energized at Work
Many people start their workday feeling refreshed and ready to go. By lunchtime, though, you might feel drowsy, irritable, and just want to go home. This usually isn’t possible during a workday. However, you can stay energized throughout the day by having a good morning, moving throughout the day, and staying properly fed and hydrated.

Having a Good Morning

Get a good night’s sleep. Aim to sleep for 7-9 hours every night before work. This can recharge and relax yourself. It also can help you start off the day on the right foot and ensure you have energy throughout the day.

Wake up to music. Getting up can be the hardest part of your day. Play soothing and cheerful music instead of an alarm. This can help you wake up in a calm and relaxed manner and invigorate you throughout the day. Set your alarm time based on your work time and morning routine. For example, if you have to be at work at 9:30 and it takes you a ½ hour to get ready and a ½ hour to commute, you need to wake up no later than 7:30am. Incorporate an extra 15 minutes so you can snooze or if you’re running late. Creating a regular, consistent morning routine is a great way to feel more productive.

Stretch your body and mind. Instead of hopping out of bed immediately, gently stretch in bed or do some light yoga. This can relax you and get your blood flowing. Take a few deep breaths by inhaling through your nose and exhaling from your mouth to further wake up and relax you. Then sit up, put your feet on the floor and perform one or two more stretches.

Eat breakfast daily. There is a reason that people say, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” A healthy breakfast gives you a boost of energy and the nutrients you need to stay energized through the day. It also can prevent a mid-morning slump or low blood sugar that may decrease your energy or make you cranky. Include one choice from the four food groups: bread and grains, dairy, and fruits or vegetables. For example, have whole wheat toast with avocado, a cup of low fat Greek yogurt with berries, and a cup of coffee. You could also eat a whole grain bagel with a piece of turkey bacon and lowfat melted cheese, a cup of mixed berries with banana, and tea with milk. Adding a ½ teaspoon sugar in your coffee or having a small glass of orange juice may also help your memory throughout the day.

Take a shower. Stand under a warm shower before or after your breakfast. This can also refresh and rejuvenate you after a night of sleeping, and maybe a little sweating. Shower in water between 36 and 40 degrees Celsius (95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit). Alternate between warm and cold water to further wake and energize you. Wash with a body wash or soap in a scent such as lemongrass, lavender, or black pepper. Their smell may give you another boost of energy.

Wear comfortable clothing. Being uncomfortable can make working feel like torture. Choose loose, comfortable clothing that you can layer. This allows you to move easily and may not get constrict you during the day.

Keeping Yourself Alert at Work

Light up your workspace. Bright white light stimulates your body and mind. Open up any curtains and turn the lights to high in your workspace. Consider placing a small lamp in darker spaces. Having lots of light can keep you alert and from getting drowsy. Use higher watt, clear light bulbs if you are able.

Use proper posture. Hold your head, back, and neck in a neutral, straight position. Pull in your abs, push back your shoulders, and keep your feet flat on the floor to reinforce this proper sitting and standing position. This can oxygenate your blood, which keeps you energized, awake, and alert. It can also prevent tension. Check your position every hour to prevent slouching, which can make you drowsy.

Stretch your legs. Every hour, stretch your legs. This can give you a mini-break and also boost energy by circulating blood throughout your body. Do different stretches including pushing your legs forward, pushing and pulling your toes towards and away from you, and doing ankle and wrist circles. Consider asking for a stand-up or moving desk to keep your body moving. This can also stimulate your brain and relax your body.

Take short breaks. Give yourself a 10-minute break in the morning and again in the afternoon. Do something you enjoy such as rest on a park bench or going for a walk. This helps circulate your blood and push oxygen to your brain. It also refreshes your body and mind, promotes relaxation, and eases stress. Draw or doodle on a spare sheet of paper, roll a piece of clay, or grip a stress ball. These can make you more alert and relaxed.

Fueling Your Body

Boost energy with a snack. Your energy and mood may wane before and after lunch. Have a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack to stay energized. This can also improve your mood. Choose nutritious snacks such as: Mixed nuts Low-fat popcorn Fresh fruit with a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese Pretzels and avocado dip Protein bars Cut veggies and hummus Boiled egg Apple slice and almond butter String cheese

Avoid heavy lunches. Pack your lunch or pre-select a salad or other light dish if you are eating at a restaurant. Consider lighter choices such as soup and a salad with a protein like chicken. This can keep blood from diverting to your belly, which causes energy to flag. Avoid foods high in sugar, which may lower your alertness and energy.

Stay hydrated. Drink at least 8 ounces of water or another beverage such as 100% juice or tea every hour during the day. Dehydration can sap your energy and lower your ability to concentrate on work. Drink caffeinated and sugary beverages in moderation. These may give you a momentary energy boost, but too many of them can make you jittery and unable to concentrate. Avoid alcohol during work. This can make you drowsy and unable to concentrate.

Smell or chew on peppermint. The scent of peppermint can stimulate your mind, keep you alert, and relax you. Chew or suck on mint gum or candies during the workday. Keep a bottle of peppermint essential oil at your desk to smell when you like.

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