How to Treat Post-Abortion Bleeding and What to Expect
How to Treat Post-Abortion Bleeding and What to Expect
Although some people may not bleed after an abortion, it’s completely normal to bleed from anywhere between 2 to 6 weeks after having one. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but luckily, there are lots of things to do to help ease your discomfort and stop any bleeding. We’re here to provide you with various options for home remedies and medications to take to help with your symptoms. We’ll also give you a list of signs and symptoms to watch out for so you know when it’s time to talk to your doctor.
Things You Should Know
  • Reduce your bleeding by limiting activity levels, avoiding alcohol, and giving yourself a deep uterine massage.
  • Use a heating pad to ease any pain and take over-the-counter NSAIDs if you get permission from your doctor.
  • Call your doctor immediately if you're worried you have an infection, or if your bleeding is itchy, painful, foul-smelling, or excessive.

Home Remedies

Watch for bleeding about 3 to 5 days after your abortion. It’s common to have no bleeding or only light spotting for the first few days after an abortion, so don’t worry if you suddenly start bleeding days after the procedure. The bleeding may be light for some people, but it’s usually similar to a very heavy period for most. You’ll likely notice thick clots, as well as dark blood that’s almost black or brown. Only use sanitary pads, not tampons, to deal with bleeding. Unless the bleeding is very heavy or lasts longer than 6 weeks, it’s usually not a concern. However, don’t hesitate to check with your medical provider if you have any worries or questions.Tip: Since it’s normal to experience some spotting, you may notice that the bleeding stops and then starts again.

Give yourself a deep uterine massage to relieve heavy bleeding. Position your fingers just below your belly button, then press down on your abdomen and apply firm, even pressure. Work your fingers from your belly button down to your pelvic bone, making a circular motion as you rub. Continue moving your fingers around your abdomen for up to 10 minutes to help reduce heavy bleeding and discomfort. Do this as often as needed to help reduce any discomfort. The deep uterine massage helps you shed your uterine lining more easily, so it shortens the length of time you bleed. It also breaks up the tissue and helps relieve your discomfort.

Reduce your activity level and avoid strenuous activities to limit bleeding. Moderate to strenuous activity can worsen bleeding. The best way to slow down bleeding, especially if it’s being caused by increased activity, is to get adequate rest. Don’t do any strenuous exercises for at least a week after an abortion. Returning to work may also cause more bleeding and cramping, so just take it easy for the first week or so to fully rest and recover.

Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 2 days. Most people only need to abstain from alcohol for about 2 days after the bleeding starts. However, most medical providers recommend waiting until the heaviest period of bleeding has passed before having a drink. Avoid drugs like marijuana as well since they can increase bleeding. Do not drink alcohol if you’re taking a prescription painkiller or other medications. It’s hard to predict how alcohol will react with medication.

Pain Relief & Recovery

Take over-the-counter NSAIDs approved by your doctor to relieve pain. It’s normal to feel cramping and discomfort after your abortion, and it may continue for a few weeks. NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) can relieve your discomfort and reduce inflammation in your body. Additionally, they can help thin out your bleeding so it stops faster. Talk to your doctor before taking any kind of NSAID to see if it’s the best option for you. It’s not safe to take NSAIDs for a long period of time, as they can cause issues like stomach bleeding. If you can’t take NSAIDs, ask your doctor if you can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead. It can help with pain, though it doesn’t reduce inflammation.

Apply a warm compress or heating pad to your lower abdomen for pain. Fill a hot water bottle and hold it against your skin as a way to naturally reduce pain. If it feels too hot, put a towel around it. As another option, use a single-use disposable heat wrap or a heating pad to find relief.Tip: Never sleep with a heating pad on your body, as it may burn your skin.

Take some time for rest so your body can heal itself. As with any medical procedure, your body will need time to rest and recover. Allow yourself to take it easy for at least a few days after your abortion. This will help you avoid complications, as well as excessive bleeding. Take a few days off work if your schedule allows it. Otherwise, talk to your boss about reducing your workload. Say, “I’m under my doctor’s care right now and need to take it easy for a few days. Can we alter my schedule for the next 2 days?”

Talk to someone you trust if you’re feeling stressed or upset. It’s normal to be feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotions after you have an abortion since your hormones are fluctuating. Additionally, it can be a stressful, uncomfortable experience. Don’t be afraid to turn to people who might be experiencing similar emotions, such as your partner or family members, to talk about your feelings and deal with your abortion in a healthy way. Feeling elated, sad, relieved, and depressed are all completely normal reactions, and most people find these fluctuations in emotions don’t last very long after an abortion.Tip: If you don’t feel comfortable opening up to someone you know, ask your clinic if they provide counseling services. Many offices offer this service free of charge.

When to See a Doctor

See a doctor immediately if the bleeding is itchy, painful, smelly, or pus-like. These can be signs of infection. Although most people don’t experience complications after an abortion, infection is the most common one. If you suspect you may have an infection, call your doctor for a same-day appointment or visit an urgent care center. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic for you if they believe you’re susceptible to an infection or see signs of a possible infection, such as a mild fever. If you receive antibiotics, take the entire prescription, even if you feel okay.Tip: Your clinic may offer a 24-hour helpline that you can use if you have any concerns after your abortion, including heavy bleeding. For instance, each Planned Parenthood gives you a local helpline number in the paperwork you take home with you.

Call your doctor if you soak 2 maxi pads in 2 hours or have large clots. People who experience heavy bleeding may soak through a maxi pad in 1 hour. While heavy bleeding for a short period of time may be no cause for concern, see your healthcare provider if it happens for 2 hours or longer. Similarly passing a blood clot that’s the size of a lemon or larger is a sign of potential infection or other complications. Call the clinic where you had your abortion to ask if you need to come in for a follow-up visit. In some cases, they may prescribe medication that can help with any bleeding.

Contact your doctor if you have chills or a fever above 101ºF (38.3ºC). A fever that pops up after your procedure is a potential cause for concern. Monitor your temperature and see your doctor right away if it’s above 101ºF (38.3ºC). Other symptoms to look out for include chills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that lasts for more than 24 hours.

Ask your doctor if a prescription medicine to stop bleeding is right for you. Bleeding is a normal part of abortion recovery since your body is returning to its pre-pregnancy state. Because of this, your doctor likely won’t give you anything to address the bleeding. However, don’t hesitate to have a discussion with your physician if you think you might need additional medication to help with the healing process. Here are a couple of medications that may help: Your doctor may prescribe Methergine or Ergotamine after your abortion to help your uterus shrink back to its normal size. This also helps stop bleeding faster. Typically, you’ll take one tablet every 8 hours until your prescription is gone. If you experience bleeding after a drug-induced abortion, a medication called Yaoliuan capsule can help relieve bleeding and may heal your uterus faster.

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