How to Treat Walking Pneumonia
How to Treat Walking Pneumonia
Walking pneumonia is also called 'atypical pneumonia'. It is a less severe case of pneumonia and is a lung infection. It is most common in people younger than 40 years of age. Some of its symptoms are 'headache' and 'body ache'. Respiratory pathogens that commonly cause walking pneumonia are bacteria (this includes Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, G. pneumoniae), a number of viruses and fungi.

It also includes as well as inhaled food or drink. Walking pneumonia is very contagious. It is spread through contact with droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person . This is likely to happen if infected person was coughing or sneezing near you. Walking pneumonia is very slow to detect. The infection starts off with nonproductive cough, mild fever, body aches and headaches. It is important to visit your medical practitioner right away if you sense that you have symptoms of walking pneumonia.

Medical Treatments

Get a prescription for antibiotics. If you are diagnosed with walking pneumonia which is normally caused by bacteria, you will be prescribed an antibiotic.Your medical practitioner will prescribe an antibiotic which is loosely based on your medical history and presentation. You may also have to do a sputum culture test to identify the type of bacteria which is present in your lungs. This helps pick the right antibiotic. There are several antibiotics that are usually prescribed for the treatment of walking pneumonia. These antibiotics include 'macrolide antibiotics' - which are often prescribed for children and adults. Fluoroquinolones on the other hand are often given to adults and are usually not recommended for young children! Tetracyclines can be prescribed for adults and older children as well. Consult your medical practitioner in order to find the best antibiotic for you. Early treatment of pneumonia and its subsequent treatment with an antibiotic can prevent life-threatening complications. Your doctor may suggest eating yogurt or taking probiotic supplements. This ensures healthy gut bacteria and biome while taking the antibiotics. Use a bronchodilator or inhaler. These usually considered useful for difficulty in breathing, a tight chest, or wheezing. This helps open up the alveoli of the lungs and facilitate oxygenation which rides off mucus containing bacteria.

Taking over-the-counter medication usually reduces fever and headache symptoms. Over-the-counter (OTC) medication can ease symptoms like fever and headache. Though it will not cure your infection. Take an aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin IB) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). To help reduce secretions that harbor bacteria the lungs a mucolytic OTC product (such as Mucinex) can be helpful. Make sure you drink a glass of water along with your mucolytic medicine. OTC medication and prescription medication, such as blood pressure medications often do not go well together and can cause some complications. Talking to your doctor before you take your prescribed OTC medication for walking pneumonia is considered a good idea.

How to Care for yourself at Home

It is generally recommended that a person has at least 10 to 12 glasses of water or warm fluids each day. Drinking lots of fluids will help maintain secretion and expectorate from your lungs and also help to clean out any infection. You can also add honey and lemon to hot water, to get a Vitamin C boost (this is very good for your immunity) if you have a sore throat. Having Green tea is considered wise as it contains antioxidants. Fruit juices which contain vitamins and minerals are also beneficial.

Give your body rest. Adequate Rest is essential. It helps in the recovery process from walking pneumonia. During this time your body will focus its energies on fighting off the infection. Lie down in bed with your feet elevated and relax, even if this means missing an appointment or a class.

Eat nutritious, easy to digest foods. Concentrate on maintaining a diet that includes a lot of soup. Ideally this could include Chicken soup or even chicken bouillon, and other small but nutritious meals throughout the day. You shouldn't tire your body with big meals. On the other hand but you should support your immune system with nutrients so it can fight the virus. Try an egg and mushroom omelette for breakfast. Eggs are a great source of zinc and can boost your immune system. This is also easy to digest. Mushrooms contain glucans. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to your omelette. This will help break down the mucus in your lungs and increase drainage. Yogurt with fruit for lunch or as a snack is a great idea. The active cultures in yogurt help improve your gut bacteria and the immune system too. Let your dinner incorporate foods that are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Such foods include red peppers, oranges, berries, and leafy green vegetables. Including foods high in beta-carotenes and vitamin A are also good. Such foods include carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes. Go for the yellow or orange colored foods.

Herbal Treatments and Supplements

Echinacea tea or elderberry tea is a great suggestion. You can make your own echinacea tea or buy it at your local health food store. Echinacea has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to fight off the symptoms of walking pneumonia. Make your own echinacea tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of the dried herb in one cup of boil water for five to ten minutes. You can also make your own elderberry tea. Alternatively you can buy elderberry tea at your local health food store. Elderberry can help to treat respiratory infections and kids love it too. Be warned that Elderberries do not have sufficient scientific studies to support their consumption. The latest scientific review concluded that more research is needed in order to recommend it to patients

Eat more garlic. Garlic has powerful anti-microbial and immune-boosting properties that can help fight against walking pneumonia. Mince 1 teaspoon of garlic and add it to a cup of boiling water to steep. You can also add garlic to your chicken soup or other easy to digest foods.

Consume more Ginger. Ginger can help settle an upset stomach - has antiviral and antibacterial properties. You can make your own ginger tea by steeping chopped ginger in hot water or buy ginger tea at your local health food store. Ginger tea is safe for consumption for pregnant women and children.

Do an herbal steam treatment. Inhaling boiled herbs can help to clean out your lungs and throat of the virus. Start by boiling two inches of water in a pot over the stove and then turn off the heat. Add ½ teaspoon of thyme, oregano, and one to two drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Use a towel to cover your head and hover 12 – 15 inches away from the steam. Make a tent over your head with the towel and inhale the steam through your mouth and nose.

Take vitamin supplements. This is a good way to boost minerals and vitamin intake. It is reccomended that one takes Vitamin C for good measure. You can also take zinc supplements. Only take the recommended amount on the label, as zinc can be toxic in high amounts. Consider taking selenium supplements. An essential mineral that helps with adverse antioxidant reactions. Some people may lack selenium and better believe it, this is due to the soil that happens to be selenium deficient in their area.100 mcg/day of selenium is ideal requirement Take probiotic supplement. Antibiotics destroy your healthy gut flora.

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