Create a whoopie pie with cookies.
Cream cheese frosting works well as a filler. Slather a layer between 2 cookies or thin slices of cake to make a decadent dessert sandwich. The sturdiness of the cream cheese will hold the frosting relatively in place while you chomp down and prevent frosting messes. Try making these with oatmeal raisin cookies. The cinnamon and raisin flavors contrast nicely with the frosting and almost taste like carrot cake.
Make a graham cracker sandwich.
Graham crackers are a lighter alternative to cookie sandwiches. Spread a layer of frosting between 2 crackers and set them aside for a few minutes to let the crackers soften. Dip the edges in sprinkles for a festive touch. Try adding a piece of a chocolate bar or a layer of chocolate sauce for a new take on s’mores.
Spread it on your favorite cookies or brownies.
Cream cheese frosting makes a great cookie topper. Spread it on individual cookies or over a pan of bar cookies for an extra layer of pizzazz. The sweet and salty flavor contrasts well with rich flavors like dark chocolate or pumpkin spice, although it will still taste great with just about anything. Try adding sprinkles or chocolate shavings on top of your frosting for an extra festive touch.
Use it to top spiced breads and cakes.
Cream cheese frosting plays well with cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. Spread a layer on top of quick breads that use these flavors, like zucchini bread, gingerbread, or apple cake, to take them to the next level. The warmth of the spices contrasts with the sweet and salty flavor of the frosting for an irresistible treat. Banana bread is not technically a spiced bread, but the fruit flavor pairs nicely with cream cheese frosting too.
Top your favorite sweet breakfast foods.
Frosting can transform breakfast into the most fun meal of the day. Drop a spoonful of frosting on top of warm waffles or pancakes for a delicious morning treat. You can also spread a layer across scones, muffins, or plain or sweet bagels for some added indulgence.
Use it as a dip for hardy snacks.
Cream cheese frosting makes a thick and flavorful dip. Sturdy, crunchy snacks like pretzel rods, cinnamon pita chips, or granola bars make great dippers since they can hold up against the thickness of the cream cheese. Apple slices make for a more nutritious (but still crunchy and delicious) substitute.
Thin out the frosting to make a fruit dip.
Fruit flavors pair nicely with cream cheese frosting. The shape and slipperiness of most sliced fruit makes it difficult to swipe through thick frosting, so you’ll need to thin it out. Stir in 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of milk at a time until you reach the desired consistency. You can use any type of milk you like, such as skim, 2%, or whole. Alternatives like soy, almond, or coconut milk also work. Citrus and acidic fruit flavors make a great contrast to the frosting’s sweetness. Try adding orange slices, grapes, or pineapple chunks to your fruit tray for some tasty options.
Add milk to turn the frosting into a glaze.
A splash of milk will make your frosting runnier. This works well if you want to add a light drizzle or glaze to a dessert rather than a thick layer of frosting. Add and stir 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of milk to your frosting at a time until you reach a slightly runny consistency. Drizzle over your dessert with a spoon or a piping bag. Add more milk for a thinner glaze, and less if you want to keep your glaze somewhat spreadable. Add slowly so you don’t have to re-thicken your glaze if you overshoot it. Add your glaze to anything you would normally use the regular frosting for. If your supply of leftovers is low, this is a great way to stretch your remaining frosting.
Fill cupcakes, cookies, crepes, or French toast.
Cream cheese frosting filling is a delicious and fun surprise. Use it inside your favorite cupcake, large cookie, or even French toast recipes for a delicious surprise. You can also spread the frosting over a crepe pastry before folding for a sweet breakfast treat. To fill a cupcake without a piping bag, use a paring knife or melon baller to remove a cone-shaped piece of the cupcake from the top. Spoon your filling into the hollow and then replace the removed piece of cupcake. Frost over it like normal. If you have a piping bag, attach a small or medium-sized nozzle and inject your cupcakes, cookies, or French toast from the bottom.
Store your frosting in the refrigerator.
Cream cheese frosting will last in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. If you plan on using your leftover frosting in the near future, this is a better option than freezing it. Seal the frosting in an airtight container and check that your refrigerator is set below 40 °F (4 °C). The frosting may harden in the refrigerator. Before use, let it soften on a countertop for no more than 2 hours and re-whip until it is fluffy again.
Freeze it for the future.
Cream cheese frosting will last up to 2 months in the freezer. To store, seal the frosting in an airtight container or plastic bag and label the leftovers with the date. If you think you will only use a little bit at a time, divide the frosting into multiple containers to preserve freshness. Your freezer should be set to 0 °F (−18 °C). Thaw the frosting in the refrigerator overnight and re-whip until it is fluffy again before using it. Freezing cream cheese frosting might alter the texture and make it more difficult to spread after thawing. Frozen cream cheese frosting will still be safe to eat after 2 months, but it will begin to absorb odors from the other foods in your freezer.
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