Interpreting the Reversed Magician: Love, Spirituality, & More
Interpreting the Reversed Magician: Love, Spirituality, & More
The Magician is the first card in the major arcana, ruled by the air sign Gemini. They’re a powerful manifestor filled with boundless potential when they’re upright, but what about when they’re upside down? Like many inverted cards, the reversed Magician points towards areas of your life that require some extra attention. Whether you’re looking for love or inquiring after your mental health, we’ve covered everything the reversed Magician has to say to you. Keep reading to learn how to interpret this card and unlock your fullest potential.
Things You Should Know
  • Pulling the reversed Magician means you need to seek out the tools to reach your full potential.
  • This card can indicate that you’re putting your attention into illusory things, like unfounded fears.
  • The inverted Magician can mean someone in your life is trying to deceive you.

General Interpretation of the Reversed Magician

The inverted Magician represents an inability to get things done. When you pull the reversed Magician, it usually means that there is something blocking you from reaching your full potential. You could be working a job that doesn’t suit you, looking for love in the wrong places, or following the wrong spiritual path.

The inverted Magician can also symbolize deception. If the upright Magician is a wise magical practitioner, then the reversed Magician is a charlatan. Pulling this card can mean someone (or something) is not what they seem. The magic they were performing has turned into illusion.

The Magician Reversed Spiritual Meaning

You need a new spiritual path. If you’re feeling spiritually unfulfilled, this card is telling you to go back to your beliefs to find a new way to move forward. If your spiritual practice is no longer working for you, go back to why you started it in the first place. When you reach the root of your spiritual desire, new paths will open up to you. If you were trying to be a good member of a faith that’s no longer working for you, think about why you wanted to be good. If it’s because you want a spiritual connection that benefits other people, stick with that idea and run with it. Spiritual goals can manifest themselves through many outlets. You may just need to find a new religion or faith to get back on the right track.

You need to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This card says you can change your experiences by thinking differently. Banish negative thoughts by discovering what they are, writing them down, and symbolically destroying them. Be ready with a positive thought to fill that empty space, though! You can replace your negative thoughts with any number of things. If you’re thinking “I’m no good at this thing”, you can write that down and burn it, then replace the thought with a memory of a personal victory. For example, “I’m not smart” turns into “I helped my friends win bar trivia” or “I got an A on a paper last week.”

The Reversed Magician Love Meaning

If you’re in a long-term relationship, this card tells you to embrace honesty. If you pull the magician in reverse in a love reading, it can mean that you’re having difficulty finding a way to get through to your partner. While that can be frustrating and lead you to look for more subversive ways of getting what you need, being upfront will always serve you best. If you’re thinking about giving your partner an ultimatum, consider sitting down with them and explaining why you want them to do something, instead. If you’re trying to get married and they’re dragging their feet, for example, instead of saying you’ll end the relationship if they don’t go through with it, talk with them about your respective relationship goals and try to reach a shared understanding.

If you’re in a new relationship, this card can mean you don’t totally know your partner. The inverted Magician is a master of illusion, masquerading as a wise magical practitioner. If someone’s “too good to be true”, they might actually be too good to be true. It can be very hard to tell when someone is deceiving you, so rely on your bodily intuition. When a person you like or love is treating you poorly, sometimes the only way to tell is by monitoring your body. Is it hard to make eye contact? Do you feel weird when you smile at them? Does your stomach hurt? All these are signs that something is wrong.

If you’re looking for a relationship, this card can mean you’re discouraged. The reversed Magician still has the power to manifest, the conditions just aren’t right. If you feel like you can’t find the right person for you, change the conditions! Join clubs you’re interested in, go to events, start groups. Doing what you care about with other people makes it more likely that you’ll find someone you’re compatible with. Are you an artist who wants to date an artist? Consider organizing a show that your community can participate in. A musician that wants to date a music lover? Start playing in public to attract that crowd.

The Magician Reversed Career Meaning

You need a new outlet for your potential. The reversed Magician still has all the power of will, the infinity symbol and the ouroboros, but the space they’re in no longer has the tools they need to carry out their magic. Pulling this card in a career reading can mean you need to find a new environment to reach your full potential. If you’re at a loss for what to do next, get more in tune with your desires. Is there something you’ve been itching to do, like going to a pottery class? Are there jobs that your peers have that make you think “I wish I could do that?”

You need to rediscover your drive. If you used to feel passionately about your job but now you’re thinking “Why am I even here?” you may need to reconnect with the reasons you started it in the first place. The inverted Magician is telling you to follow that inciting passion above all else. If you started a marketing job because you love writing, maybe it’s time to ditch advertisements for poetry.

You need to face your fears to move forward. Sometimes you already know your potential isn’t being met at your current job when you pull this card. When this is the case, the card is telling you to assess why you’re not moving on to greener pastures. Sit down and consider your fears, are they realistic, or just popping up because of change? For example, if you’re afraid to leave your job to pursue your dream of being a mechanic, research the variables you’re anxious about. How much does it cost to go to school? Are there places near you you can apprentice? Do you have any connections to that world already? Knowing how to start something new can make change less scary.

A colleague may not be what they seem. The reversed magician can also symbolize deception—they have magical potential, but they can’t actually perform anything without their tools. If you’re content with your job, this card can mean that you’re working with someone who’s putting up a front, so be careful what you share and be mindful of who you trust. This doesn’t mean you should start second-guessing everything your coworkers say—paranoia won’t really help your situation. Instead, pull back a little from your workplace relations. Don’t be cold, but some coworkers can just be that: coworkers.

Financial opportunities are coming—if you go for them. The Magician is filled with potential, even when inverted. If you don’t have the tools to get your financial situation in order now, keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities. Finance and career readings are very similar with the Magician. The answer to your financial questions may be found in a career that better suits your passions.

The Reversed Magician in Health Readings

If you’re sick, this card can mean you have the power to manifest good health. The reversed Magician is generally a good sign when you’re sick. The ritual is incomplete without the four altar items, but the Magician has the power to find them elsewhere. Your mind has a powerful effect on your body, so take this card as a sign to start manifesting better health. Manifesting isn’t just about thinking, it’s about doing. If you make a conscious effort to get better, your body will reap the benefits of your extra care. If you’re feeling under the weather, get some water in you, go to bed early, and be proactive with your healthcare.

If you’re struggling with mental illness, this card is a sign to seek help. Since the inverted Magician is an illusionist (and not performing magic based in the reality of the four tarot items) this card can point towards delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, this card is telling you to seek external guidance to get you back with reality. It can be hard to tell what’s real when your only frame of reference is your own mind. Speak to a mental health professional or trusted friend if you find yourself questioning your reality.

The Reversed Magician as “Yes” or “No”

Pulling the reversed Magician generally means “no.” When the Magician is inverted it usually symbolizes an inability to move forward. This pull is telling you that whatever you’re asking can’t be accomplished as it stands. Not all hope is lost, though; by reframing your mind and investing in your natural abilities you can make almost anything happen.

Symbolism in the Magician Card

The upright Magician symbolizes readiness, balance, and the ability to manifest a reality. The Magician holds a double ended wand towards the heavens with one hand and points their other down towards earth. As above, so below. They stand in front of an altar with the four symbols of tarot. An infinity sign floats above their head and an ouroboros (snake eating its tail) wraps around their waist. They are surrounded by flowers. The Magician has everything they need to enact powerful magic, they have ultimate balance, constantly recapitulated in the card—the double ended wand, the pointed hands, the four symbols, the flowers above and below. They have the power of mind, of infinite possibilities, of infinite potential. The four symbols of tarot represent four aspects of human life: the wand, fire, spirituality; the pentacle, earth, physicality; the cup, water, emotions; the sword, air, intellect. The Magician exists in the moment of now, surrounded by the past and future and can connect to both of them. They exist inside and outside, with eyes opened and closed.

Interpreting the Reversed Magician

Imagine the scene was flipped in real life. What happens to a 3D version of the card when it’s turned upside down? The pentacle, sword, wand, and cup all fly off the table, and the Magician’s hands get reversed. The infinity above the Magician becomes the infinity below. The tools for creating magic have left the card, and the power that they pulled from the heavens now comes from the earth. This is a great method for intuitively reading tarot cards. In other cases, for example, the Knight of Pentacles, the heavy armor and horse that protected him now crash on top of him and weigh him down.

Ask yourself how you relate to this situation. Tarot cards mean different things for different people. Do you feel like you’re the Magician, or someone watching them? Would you go off in search of the items that flew off the altar, or would you use your powerful manifestation to make new ones? Pay attention to the symbols you feel drawn to. If you’re focused on the items on the altar, you’re looking for the tools to get what you want out of life. If you’re focused on the magician, you’re trying to muster up the internal drive to get what you want done.

Remember that reversed cards are not necessarily negative. The reversed Magician could indicate you’re being deceived, but it could also mean you’ve got some strong, untapped willpower inside of you. More often than not card reversals are just guiding you to where you need to give more attention in your life. The physical symbols are gone, but the ouroboros, double sided wand, and infinity sign remain. The magician is still capable and powerful within themself.

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