Libra Lucky Numbers (& What They Mean for You)
Libra Lucky Numbers (& What They Mean for You)
As a Libra, you’ve undoubtedly heard the Libra gospel of balance and harmony… but what if you want to tip the scales of fortune in your favor? You’re in luck—literally! Every zodiac sign has special numbers, days, times, colors, and gemstones specific to them that are a little bit luckier than the rest. We’ve put together all the info you need to know, so you can live your luckiest Libran life from here on out.
Things You Should Know
  • Libra’s luckiest numbers are 8, 6, and 10. The number 62 is lucky for a Libra’s career, 53 is a lucky number for romance, and 44 is a lucky number for familial bonds.
  • Libras are especially lucky on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. The time slot of 6:00 to 7:00 (either AM or PM) is also lucky for them.
  • Pink, green, blue, and white are the luckiest colors for a Libra.

Libra Lucky Numbers

8, 6, and 10 are Libra’s luckiest numbers overall. Some people (like the Pythagoreans of ancient Greece) believe that 10 represents perfection. So, what better number could you have in your corner when you’re trying to scrounge up some extra luck in your life? Meanwhile, the number 8 symbolizes accomplishment, wealth, and abundance—all things that any Libra can use a little more of! The number 6 also has a ton of good vibes for Libras (similar to the way a 6 is the best/highest possible result you can roll on a dice). Schedule an important appointment for 10:00 AM, or repeat 10 affirmations to yourself in the mirror. Give yourself 8 minutes to collect yourself after a tough session at work, or go for an 8-minute walk on your lunch break. Start your morning off on a high note by setting your alarm for 6:00 AM, or get the good vibes flowing by scheduling a dinner date for 6:00 PM.

62 is a lucky number for Libras when it comes to work and career. Ready to take some bigger strides on your career path, or are you just looking for a little extra support and reassurance in your everyday work routine? Use the number 62 as a way to remember just how talented and special you are, and how worthy of success you are. Take a moment to give yourself a mental pat on the back when you see 62 emails in your inbox, or when you have 62 notifications on Slack. Count to 62 in your head when you need a quick breather from a tough assignment at work.

53 is Libra’s lucky number for romance. Getting ready for a date, or just looking to play the field? Use the number 53 to remind yourself that you’re a total catch, and that any person would be lucky to spend time with you. Try getting ready 53 minutes before your date is scheduled to start. Schedule your date or meet-up to start at 5:30.

44 is a lucky number associated with Libra’s familial relationships. Hoping to get in your relatives’ good graces? Lean on the number 44 as you approach any future conversations and interactions with your loved ones. Shoot your sibling a text at 4:44 asking if you can borrow their sweater for an upcoming party. Plan a special outing with your mom on April 4th (4/4).

Libra Lucky Days & Times

Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday are the luckiest days of the week for Libras. Sure, everybody loves Fridays and Saturdays—but Libras have extra reason to love these special days, given the extra dose of luck they provide. A Libra might find a little extra luck floating their way on a Tuesday, too.

6:00 to 7:00 is the luckiest hour of the day for a Libra. Want to start your day on the luckiest note possible? Set your alarm for some time between 6:00 and 7:00 AM. Want to summon plenty of good vibes for an upcoming date? Schedule the big outing at 6:00 to 7:00 PM. You get the idea—if it’s an important event, that hour is the best time to get it done.

Libra Lucky Colors

Pink, green, white, and blue are Libra’s lucky colors. Different types of color combos manifest different types of luck for a Libra. For instance, a combo of pink, light blue, and white can summon a lot of power or strength, while light green signifies the concept of luck and accomplishment for a Libra. Here are a few other color combos to be on the lookout for: Luckiest room colors: Light pink-gold and dark green Luckiest love colors: Dark pink, blue, and white Luckiest hair colors: Pink and green

Libra Lucky Gemstones

Opal is the luckiest gemstone for Libras overall. As a gemstone, opal symbolizes concepts like beauty and attraction—a perfect fit for Libras, who are ruled by Venus (the planet of love). Opal also represents concepts like courage, which is ideal for the non-confrontational Libra. Honorable mentions: Peridot, emerald, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, and chrysolite Luckiest gemstone for Libra women: Tourmaline Luckiest gemstone for Libra men: Hough opal Luckiest gemstone for Libra Moons: Diamond

Libra Lucky Letters

G, K, S, and Sh are the luckiest letters and sounds for Libras. In your upcoming conversations, see if you can sneak a few extra words that start with these consonants and consonant sounds. Feel free to incorporate these letters and sounds in more subtle ways, too, like enjoying a sandiwch and grapes for lunch, or by reminding someone who’s being a little too noisy in the library to pipe down. In the mood for a cup of coffee? Head to a local coffee shop or diner that starts with L or K, or swing by your local Starbucks for your favorite beverage.

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