Reasons God Sends Cardinals & What to Do When You See One
Reasons God Sends Cardinals & What to Do When You See One
Cardinals' beautiful red plumage and their delicate, familiar tunes make them a pleasure to witness. But did you know many people believe cardinals may also carry divine messages, and that seeing a cardinal could hold special significance for your life? To find out more, keep reading: we’ve created a guide to the various Biblical, cultural, and spiritual interpretations of this beloved red bird.
Things You Should Know
  • Red cardinals may represent the blood of Christ. They may be a sign of Christ’s everlasting love and care.
  • Cardinals may signify spiritual growth and new beginnings. They may be harbingers of strength and friendship.
  • Female cardinals may indicate transformation is on the horizon. Try to maintain an open mind and heart: whatever change is in the air is divinely ordained.

Cardinals in the Bible

Cardinals are signs that God is with you. In the Bible, God occasionally conveys important messages through fire (for instance, He appears as a burning bush to Moses in Exodus). The fire the Lord uses to speak to His followers in the Bible may be represented by the cardinal's bright red feathers. If you see a cardinal, it's a positive omen: it's a message from God that He's looking out for you. The blood of Jesus, which Christians believe was spilled for their sins, is also recalled in the beautiful red feathers of the male cardinal. When you see a red cardinal, it could be a reminder that Jesus loves you and is protecting you. The cardinal may also be a sign of new beginnings and resurrections, just as Christ was resurrected after his death. A cardinal may be a sign to prepare for growth and positive change in your life.

Cardinals may represent spiritual guidance. Though cardinals aren’t named in the Bible, birds like doves and eagles are used through the Good Book to represent the Holy Spirit or spiritual strength. In the same vein, the authority of Catholic leaders, also known as “cardinals,” may be evoked in the red bird that bears the same name. When you see a cardinal, it could be a reminder to defer to the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, and to know that you’re not alone on your path. The red of the cardinal may be a reminder of the fire of the holy spirit, which resides in the souls of all Christians and which guides them along on their spiritual journey.

Spiritual Meaning of Cardinals

Cardinals are believed to be the link between life and death. It is commonly believed that people who have died will send cardinals to their surviving loved ones as a sign that they’re still with them. Cardinals—or red birds generally—may represent the link between the mortal and spiritual worlds. Seeing a cardinal shortly after the death of a loved one could be a sign from them that they’ve passed over all right, and that they’re happy and safe in heaven.

Cardinals may transmit positive spiritual energy. If you see a cardinal, it might be a harbinger of powerful good energies. Prepare to experience some spiritual growth and to feel more at one with God and the universe. Some Christians believe that when you see a cardinal, it’s a reminder to pray the Serenity Prayer, either aloud or silently in your heart. The first few lines of the Serenity Prayer go like this: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Cardinal Meanings in Other Faiths & Cultures

In Cherokee culture, cardinals may signify news is coming. The news may be good or bad, but if you see a cardinal, know that news of some sort is on its way. If the cardinal is singing, it signifies a visitor will come to your home. If the cardinal comes to your home, it may be a harbinger of death. The cardinal is believed to carry the soul of the person who will die up to the creator. Cherokee children are discouraged from touching cardinal feathers, due to a belief that they will cause the children’s noses to bleed.

In Japan and China, cardinals are considered good fortune. This bird appears in much Japanese literature and art as a sign that good fortune is on its way, and the color red is considered throughout China to be the color of luck and peace. If you see a cardinal, it could be a message from the universe that you're about to receive some good news.

Significance of Female Cardinals

Female cardinals may signify power and transformation. When we think of cardinals, we usually think “bright red,” but female cardinals are less bright (though still quite beautiful). Female cardinals are considered to be rather mysterious. In fact, they may symbolize mystery itself: when you see a female cardinal, you may be certain change is in the air. Something in your life is about to undergo an inexplicable shift—maybe even a full-on transformation. What that “something” is, though, you may not know right away…. If you see a female cardinal, try to maintain an open mind. The transformation that may come has been preordained.

Cardinal Symbolism

Home and family While other birds migrate, cardinals habitually stay put in one spot. Because of this, they have been known to represent the comfort and stability of home life. If you see a cardinal outside your house, say a prayer of gratitude for your loved ones.

Music Cardinals are famous for their different songs. You may be familiar with the cardinal’s cheer cheer cheer or birdie birdie, but scientists have observed at least 16 discrete tunes northern cardinals repeat for different occasions—for instance, they will sing took took when they are about to feed, or they’ll give a metallic chirp when they’re feeling territorial. Because of their wide range of songs, cardinals are sometimes thought to be symbols of music.

Friendship The male cardinal’s flashy appearance means he stands out in a crowd and he’s sure to attract friends. In fact, though cardinals can be territorial at times, they’re really rather sociable birds. When they’re not protecting their home, family, and food, they may flock with other birds. For this reason, cardinals may be symbols of budding friendship.

Resilience Cardinals, with their fiery red plumage and occasionally territorial attitudes, are sometimes seen as symbols of power, confidence, and strength. If you see a cardinal, it’s a reminder that you possess your own inner strength. You’re capable of great things.

What to Do When You See a Cardinal

When you see a cardinal, have faith in the Lord. When God sends you a cardinal, you may not know the precise significance, but you can be sure He wants you to be steadfast and calm in your faith. Let any worries you’re clinging to fall away, and pray for peace from above. Keep your mind open to the possible meanings of the red bird: If the bird is there as a harbinger of peace and love, accept these tidings with a grateful heart. If you suspect the cardinal is a message of comfort from a deceased family member or friend, hold your loved one in your heart and know that they’re in a better place now. If you see a female cardinal, it may signify transformation is in the air, so hold on tight: change can be scary or overwhelming, but trust that it’s part of a divine plan. All will be well.

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