What does “no quema cuh” mean on TikTok?
No quema cuh means that your truck doesn’t do burnouts. Pronounced no-KEMA-ku, the phrase is used within the Mexican Takuache car culture to say that your car or truck doesn’t do burnouts. It is typically used to refer to someone who enjoys driving large pickup trucks and wears expensive Mexican clothing, like boots, jeans, and belts. No is a Spanish negation that means no or not, quema translates to burn, and cuh is a slang term that derives from cousin and is used to refer to someone in casual conversation.
No quema cuh also means there’s no problem. This meaning is often used in response to the question “Quema o no quema, cuh?” The question roughly translates to “Is there a problem or is there no problem, cuh,” and tends to be used to let someone know that you might start a fight if there is a problem.
How is “no quema cuh” used on TikTok?
TikTok users use no quema cuh to refer to Mexican teens with the Edgar cut. On TikTok, users often post videos of Mexican teenagers with the Edgar cut and a sound that repeats no quema cuh. The sound has been used so much that it is commonly associated with the Edgar cut. On July 20, 2022, @breannajarraa posted a video of teenagers dressed in dark clothing sporting the Edgar cut with the no quema cuh sound.
Where does “no quema cuh” come from?
The phrase originates from the Mexican-American Takuache subculture. Although there isn’t an official date of when the term was first coined, it’s been known to be used throughout the Takuache subculture for years. The phrase first appeared on TikTok on December 16, 2019, when @maark.24 posted a video of himself repeating no quema cuh with a filter of someone with the Edgar cut.
Other Spanish Slang
No Mames No mames is a slang term that is used to express confusion, excitement, or disbelief, similar to “no way!” or “oh my goodness!” in English. It is considered a slightly rude phrase because it stems from the Spanish verb mamar, which means to suck or nurse. This phrase is often paired with guëy, which translates to dude or bro.
Órale The term Órale is a Mexican slang term that means okay, alright, wow, or hurry up. The meaning depends on the context the phrase is used in. For instance, if you tell someone a juicy secret and they respond with Órale!, that means they are surprised. But if you’re taking a long time in the bathroom and your roommate says Órale!, they’re telling you to hurry up.
Fresa or Fresita A fresa or fresita is someone who is wealthy (usually a teenager), has an expensive lifestyle, and exhibits snooty, pretentious behavior. They often speak with a posh accent and are considered to be privileged and stuck-up. Fresa can refer to anyone, but fresita is usually reserved for women.
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