What Does WSP Mean?
What Does WSP Mean?
If someone you know has texted or messaged you a message with “WSP” in it, you may be scratching your head in confusion. Don’t sweat it—this one’s pretty easy and we’ll break it down for you. We’ll even walk you through a few corner cases where “WSP” might mean something unique, as well. Read on to learn everything you need to know about “WSP.”

What does WSP mean?

“WSP” is shorthand for “what’s up?” What’s up is a common, laid-back way of checking in on someone to see how they’re doing. It’s a versatile greeting that can be used to ask what someone is up to right now, or simply strike up a conversation. It means the same thing on Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, and over text. People most often send “WSP?” on its own as a way to start a convo. Some people add a follow-up question, like, “WSP? How are you?” or, “WSP Jason! What are you up to this weekend?” It doesn’t matter how it’s capitalized. “WSP,” “Wsp,” and “wsp” all mean the same thing.

How do you use WSP?

You might use “WSP” to see if a friend is free to hang. If you’re down to chillax right now and you’re reaching out to someone you hang out with regularly, send “WSP” to see if they’re free to meet up. For example, you could say: “WSP? You free tonight?” “WSP? I’m at Ralph’s place.” “WSP? You trying to hang?”

Send “WSP?” to reconnect with someone if it has been a while. Send a “WSP” when you want to check in on a friend or family member to see how they are. This open-ended start to the convo allows the other person to either tell you literally what they’re doing right now, or how they’ve generally been handling things. You might say: “WSP? How you doing?” “WSP? It’s been so long since we’ve talked!” “WSP? I miss you!”

How do you reply to WSP?

Share what you’re doing in response to “WSP”. If you talk to this person regularly, they’re likely hitting you up to see if you’re free to hang out or talk. Tell them what you’re actively engaged in at the moment, or let them know you’re free to hang out. You might reply: “Not much. What are you up to?” “Just finishing dinner. What’s going on?” “I’m cleaning my room. It’s been forever since I’ve even seen what my floor looks like.”

Tell an acquaintance how you've been in response to "WSP.” If you haven’t connected with this person in a while, they’re likely checking in to see how you’ve been. Give them a quick overview of how you’ve been. No need to tell your life story or anything—just something quick! For example: “I’m chilling. I’ve had a really busy quarter, but I just finished finals so I’ve got some time to catch a breather.” “Not a whole lot. Just been busy at work. What’s up with you?” “Hey! Same old, same old. Trying to get through this semester. What’s going on?”

Give a funny or sarcastic response to "WSP" for a close friend. If you’re chatting with someone you like to joke around with, there’s nothing wrong with getting a little silly. Come up with a lighthearted and laid-back reply. You could respond: “Me, since 2 am. I’m exhausted!” “Not a thing but a chicken wing!” “The cost of everything I want to buy, unfortunately. What’s going on?”

Alternative Definitions

WhatsApp “WSP” can also be shorthand for WhatsApp, the popular texting platform. If someone is asking for your “WSP number,” or they ask you to hit them up “on WSP,” they’re likely referring to the social media app. Someone might say: “Hey, are you on WSP?” “Add me on WSP.” “Do you use WSP at all? I’m out of the country a lot, so that’s usually what I use to chat.”

Web Service Provider A web service provider refers to any organization that hosts websites. This includes companies like Go Daddy, WordPress, or Dreamhost. If you’re talking to someone in IT, or you’re looking into what it might take to build a website, WSB is probably shorthand for “web service provider.” You might see something like: “Looking for a new WSP to host your blog?” “As the #1 WSP in New York…” “Hey, who do you use as your WSP? I really like your website.”

Washington Square Park Washington Square Park is a popular public square in New York City (it’s the iconic park with the large fountain and the Italian-style arch). If you’re going sightseeing or you live in NYC, a comment or text about “WSP” may be a reference to this park. As a note, there are parks named “Washington Square Park” in a lot of different cities, so this could be a regional reference as well. Someone could say: “I’m going to WSP later if you want to chill by the fountain.” “Have you ever been to WSP? I know your dad lives in NYC. I’ve always wanted to visit.” “Hey, want to meet up at WSP later?”

What’s Popping “What’s popping” is slang for “what’s going on?” It’s a casual and fun way to see what someone is up to. In some circles, something is “popping” if there’s something fun and social happening, so “WSP” may be a request for party details. A person might message you: “WSP? What are you on tonight?” “WSP? I’m trying to turn up.” “WSP?! You got plans today?”

White Skin Privilege If you’re taking a sociology class or you’re brushing up on your sociopolitical theory, “WSP” may be a reference to white skin privilege (or “white privilege” for short). White skin privilege refers to the passive benefits that white people receive in European and Western cultures. You might see sentences like: “As a result of WSP, prospective employees with traditionally white-sounding names are more likely to get a call back from interviewers.” “Can you think of an example of WSP? What about when it comes to the way strangers talk to you?” “Police tend to profile people of color, while those with WSP are automatically treated as innocent.”

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