A well-enacted drama: Corporation
A well-enacted drama: Corporation

’A good script, well acted and directed,’’ Deputy Mayor G Happykumar did not conceal his scorn at the way the operations of the district administration ended on Friday.

‘’We knew from the beginning that the district administration was playing fiddle to a tune set by the State Government, who only wanted  to show that it was implementing the Court order. When, in reality, the UDF-led Vilappil panchayat had all their blessings,’’ he added.

The City Corporation will move the Court again, seeking justice in the Vilappilsala issue. It will also move the Court seeking cancellation of the MLA post of N Sakthan, who, while being part of the government machinery, had worked to incite the agitators more,’’ Corporation officials said.

‘’The MLA went there, spoke against the Court order and said that there was no need for the transportation. What does that mean? He is a person bound to discharge the Constitutional duties and he has violated it,’’ Happykumar said.

Corporation officials, in the absence of Mayor K Chandrika (the Mayor has been hospitalised for the treatment of dengue fever), did not hold any meetings on Friday. However, they will meet in the coming days to discuss the future course of action.

‘’This is a scary situation since it could set a precedent to many such law and order violations to be expected in similar cases. There was section 144 of Cr PC invoked at Vilappil. There were some 2,000 policemen posted there. The district administration was stationed there. Still, a group of people did what they liked against a court order. Isn’t that ridiculous?’’ asked a Corporation official.

The leachate treatment plant is being set up at a cost of Rs 2.45 crore and the machinery to complete its construction had arrived some seven months back. It has been lying idle in the garage for months now. The Corporation was granted permission by the High Court to transport it to the waste treatment plant and had directed the district administration to provide police protection.

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