Anand loses to Topalov in first game
Anand loses to Topalov in first game
The second game of the 12-match championship will be played on Sunday.

New Delhi: World No. 1 Vishwanathan Anand on Saturday lost the first game of the 12-game match to Veselin Topalov in the FIDE World Chess Championship at Sofia, Bulgaria.

Playing with white pieces, Topalov opened with 1.d4 and Anand defended with Gruenfeld Indian, an opening he tested last year in the rapid match versus Peter Leko, and then continued to use it at the top events like 2009 Tal Memorial.

According to information on the FIDE site, the players blitzed their way into a variation that was seen in the first game of the last year's Challenger match between Topalov and Gata Kamsky.

Instead of f2-f4, as played against Kamsky, the Bulgarian employed 16. Rac1 which was seen in an earlier top level game Karjakin-Carlsen, Foros 2008. Anand followed the standard plan with Qd6 and f6, to slow down the White's advance with e4-e5.

Meanwhile, Topalov moved his Knight closer to the enemy King. Anand erred as Topalov penetrated both Rooks and the Indian ace resigned soon after.

The second game will be played on Sunday.

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