Ash's Mistress gets UK thumbs down
Ash's Mistress gets UK thumbs down
The British media has been quick to dismiss Aishwarya's Mistress of Spices as as bland and "annoying".

New Delhi: It may have a hot, sizzling title, but Mistress of Spices - touted as one of Aishwarya Rai's plum "crossover" ventures - has recieved just a cold shoulder from the Brits.

The film opened in UK on April 21 to poor collections and the British media - with its stiff upper lip in place - has been quick to dismiss it as bland and "annoying".

"Aishwarya Rai - is there a wishier, washier, wimpier actor anywhere in the known universe? Rai wafts and simpers through yet another film...," writes The Guardian's renowned film critic Peter Bradshaw.

Slapped with one of the harshest initial reviews, Mistress of Spices seems to have nothing going right for it.

"Ooooooh! Sort of like Juliette Binoche in Chocolat, only more annoying, if that's possible, which sadly it is," Bradshaw goes on to describe the film.

The BBC, too, has trashed the movie, though it has been subtle in its criticism.

"Despite its colourful eastern palette and amiable performances from Bollywood starlet Aishwarya Rai and American hunk Dylan McDermott, the drama is as bland as a cucumber sandwich..." BBC Online's Jaspeet Pandohar wrote.

"Ultimately it's the poor choice of subject material that fails to impress, rather than the lifeless direction," Pandohar added.

Based on a bestseller of the same name by writer Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Mistress of Spices will open in India and US on Friday, April 28.

Pooh-poohed by the Brits, Miss Rai could sure do with a warmer reception back home!

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