Be a life-saver, adopt Indian community dogs
Be a life-saver, adopt Indian community dogs
Wi t h t h e Independence day approaching, people have started bringing up many new and innovative ideas, to make Independence day..

Wi t h t h e Independence day approaching, people have started bringing up many new and innovative ideas, to make Independence day celebrations much more meaningful and purposeful. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals also had a strong message to convey.Members of PETA, decked out in traditional outfits, waving the Indian flag with a giant Indian community dog mascot outside Secretariat on Friday. They encouraged passersby to adopt 100 per cent Indian community dogs, instead of buying a foreign breed from a pet store. All over India, millions of healthy dogs and cats are surviving on the streets, in wait of a proper shelter. PETA’s mascot for the awareness, was an Indian community dog, which held a placard that read, “Be proud to be Indian.Adopt an Indian community dog. Never buy.” PETA has been urging people to adopt Indian community dogs, instead of their foreign purebred counterparts, as they are bred for certain exaggerated physical traits such as long ears or drooping backs. Many breeds like boxers, German Shepherds and pugs suffer from abnormally high rates of genetic and heredity diseases, PETA India claims. In contrast, the Indian community dogs are healthier and more robust.“It is simply irresponsible for anyone to breed or buy animals when there are millions of homeless Indian community dogs and cats languishing on the tsreets and in animal shelters.” says Bhuvaneshwari Gupta, PETA, India. She also added that, “Everytime someone buys a foreign purebred puppy or kitten from a breeder pet store, an Indian community dog looses his or her chance of finding a loving home.” Anusha Kona, another volunteer says, “There are so many stray dogs, dying everyday. We as citizens of Indian do not realise how horrible is the situation for them. Independence day is not just any day. We should work towards building a bett er society. Till I joined PETA, I did not know what these animals go through.I urge everyone to adopt Indian community dogs.”   

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