Capricorn Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Capricorn Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Find out what the stars have in store for you in the new year.



2009 begins with Mercury going retrograde for about a month starting January, reminding us to think of it as a 'maintenance' period, ideal for revisiting old problems.

The middle of the year,especially May on, should be interesting with Saturn turning direct. It's time for rewards in proportion to what and how you may have been or acted.

The third quarter of the year could be time to be cautious. Conversations can be misleading and you might inadvertently betray a confidence. Be especially careful when filing tax forms.

Difficulties lie in the simplest of details.The year end brings several professional and personal possibilities your way. People will listen to you or read what you have to say and are moved to take action.

You're like a wakeup call. Not only do you wake people up, you provide them with information and tools to manifest substantial results-wow! True to form, you're going to make a promise only when you're fully prepared to follow through on every detail.

Nothing unexpected will occur and you spend a good time reaching the heights you had marked for yourself.A special word from your planets: hard work is irreplaceable and once you have this planted firmly in your mind, you'll be unstoppable!


This year, love is sure to come your way due to the favourable influence of Rahu and Jupiter. A friend is likely to become someone special at this time. You feel energized due to your newfound love and will have a close relationship with your mate.

Teenagers will get attracted towards someone much older and this may hamper your studies. Some of you committed couples might face ego problems, but you need to have an understanding to achieve a harmonious balance. Just try to glide over little misunderstandings. The temptation to win or be right could launch a hailstorm, unless you consciously, deliberately don't participate.

During the middle of the year married couples will have a good time, as you will see some of your domestic problems disappearing due to the positive influence of Sun and Mars.

However, you may need to pay more attention towards your partner`s needs. Work out your problems as soon as possible. These problems are caused due to the influence of Venus and Mars.

Towards the end of the year singles will get some great proposals and feel nice to have an intimate relationship.


In 2009, Saturn will influence you in every aspect of your life. You are a hard worker and have a very strong understanding. Your lucky days are: Friday, Tuesday, Saturday and Wednesday. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 9 and 8. Do avoid 3.

Your lucky colours are white, black, red and blue. This year beginning will give you mixed results. With Mercury in retrograde, you may plan to change your job. However, this decision may be good for some, others may face some troubles due to it.


So be very careful and take the necessary precautions. Give up any traces of ego. Fortunately for you, things change for the better on or before February. Then, Mercury retro or not, your career picks up speed, reaching a blistering pace. You're totally goal-directed and able to shut out most distractions.

In the middle of the year, you will notice better professional opportunities. Great new opportunities will knock on your door. Do give these a serious thought, even if it is a short-term matter.

The year-end too will be good in all the various aspects of your life. Promotions will arrive and you will even find an improvement in your personality.


This year, your financial affairs revolve around properties and investments. New investors will gain by investing in shares. Past investments will bring in good profits. Legal issues are likely to go in your favour and improve your financial situation.

Those of you starting a business of your own are likely to make gains due to Jupiter and Moon. Do not rush your negotiations; make all financial decisions with a calm mind. Communication is the key to improving you financial position on the work front.

Designers and jewellers will have a great time financially. The middle of the year is not a good time to apply for house loans. New investments will attract you due to the influence of Moon and Mars. Women will spend a lot of time for the purpose of entertainment.

Towards the end of the year you should try your luck in commercial and residential property investments as Jupiter and Mars are in your favour. Keep speculation to a minimum while making investments.

Invest in funds that bring a steady return with minimum risk. Financial success will be guaranteed only when you express your brilliant ideas clearly.


This year, at the beginning, there are some indications of issues on the health front that need care, says Saturn. Staying out in the sun will help you stay healthy. Make sure you get enough Vitamin D and calcium, particularly around January. Light physical exercises are good for you.


If you have any lingering physical aches, do consult a doctor. Be more positive at this time and don`t get into arguments. Also indulge in hobbies, which will energise you mentally. Modify your eating habits and develop a practical nature.

At the middle of the year make sure that you keep a check on your eating habits especially pregnant women. If you have morning sickness, do consult a doctor. Towards the end of the year you need to have a control on work related issues and not let them affect you mentally.

BP patients and diabetics need to stay stress free during this period. What will work as a sure shot thing during this year is a positive attitude. Have this and you will sail through your concerns. Mental stress could tell on your mood. Don't let it get to you, warn your planets, especially during the mid year.

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