Coronavirus Scare: IAF Bans Parties & Non-essential Travel, Cancels Holi Celebrations
Coronavirus Scare: IAF Bans Parties & Non-essential Travel, Cancels Holi Celebrations
In a circular issued to all Command Headquarters, units have been asked to conduct a morning parade to check if any officer or jawan is showing signs of cough, cold and fever. Those found to be carrying symptoms of the virus will admitted to the nearest military hospital.

New Delhi: Working on the principle of "prevention is better than cure", the Indian Air Force (IAF) has banned social gatherings and non-essential travel in view of the coronavirus outbreak. The move comes as 30 people have tested positive in India so far.

All Holi celebrations have been cancelled and personnel asked not to visit crowded places like malls and cinema theatres.

In a circular issued to all Command Headquarters, units have been asked to conduct a morning parade to check if any officer or jawan is showing signs of cough, cold and fever. Those found to be carrying symptoms of the virus will admitted to the nearest military hospital.

The circular mandates all officers and jawans who have had any contact with a suspected case of coronavirus to immediately seek medical advice. All personnel and their families with a travel history of Iran, Italy, Singapore and Korea have been asked to check into a quarantine facility for 14 days.

IAF sources say the idea of the circular is not to spread panic but to take preventive action.

The coronavirus has put a break on the IAF's socialising as well. All social, official and welfare gatherings have been cancelled or postponed. All non-essential travel has been banned till further orders.

On February 26, an IAF C17 transport aircraft evacuated 76 Indians and 36 foreign nationals from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak. It had also carried with it 15 tonnes of medical supplies for China.

Neither the crew on that flight nor any other IAF personnel has shown any symptoms of the infection.

The India Navy has already cancelled its largest Multi National Excerise 'MILAN' on account of the virus that has infected 95,000 people worldwide and killed over 3,300.

The National Defence College dinner slated for Saturday has been cancelled as well.

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