Delve into the goodness of saffron
Delve into the goodness of saffron
When the human race apprehend the potential of the electric blue flower that blooms in the wild, they started cultivating it.E..

When the human race apprehend the potential of the electric blue flower that blooms in the wild, they started cultivating it.Even more than 3,000 years ago, mankind was aware of the magical properties of saffron – they used it in food, medicines and for beauty enhancement treatments.The Saffron Royal ‘N Radiant facial at Green Trends is a treatment to tackle sun damage, using saffron extracts, in 60 minutes.Saffron facial is an age old facial derived from the goodness of saffron used by royal and aristocratic women, to add the youthful glow to the skin and repair the damage caused by sun exposure Cleanser, toner and masque – all these steps involve the use of saffron extracts.The masque left on the face for about 20 minutes is meant to remove suntan and pigmentation.The antibacterial property of saffron, kills the bacteria in the skin, thus removing the pigment and enhances the brightness of the skin considerably.From a scientific angle, saffron contains more than 150 aroma-yielding compounds.So when the pack is on one’s face, it leaves no room for any aromatic discomfort – the sweet hay-like notes are only pleasing to the olfactory nerves.If this facial is coupled with home remedies, then there’s nothing like it.To have a lasting effect, you can try a home remedy once a week by making a paste of saffron and mixing it with a spoonful of milk and applying an even coat of the mixture on your face and neck.After the pack dries, simply wash it off.Benefits of saffron in facials■ Stimulates blood circulation, resulting in an enhanced glow■ It acts as an exfoliator and makes the skin soft and rejuvenated ■ Smoothens fatigue lines and delays wrinkles ■ Helps to remove suntan and pigmentation ■ Adds shine to the skin ■ Gives glow to the complexion ■ Soothes and freshens the skin ■ Anti-bacterial properties kill the germs present in the skin

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