Devote life to Lord Ram: Sadhus tell Uma
Devote life to Lord Ram: Sadhus tell Uma
Sadhus and priests of ayodhya feel that Uma Bharti should give up politics for good and devote her life to the service of Lord Ram.

Ayodhya: Expelled BJP leader, Uma Bharti's hopes that someone would take her seriously were dashed yet again, when the high priests of Ayodhya told her that she should give up politics.

Uma, who was thrown out of the BJP after she spat fire at the top brass of the BJP, was advised by the priests to devote her life to the service of Lord Ram.

The beleagured sanyasin, who has been trying to appropriate the Hindutva tag ever since the BJP and the RSS disowned her, was once again snubbed in her efforts to create a serious niche for herself.

The president of the Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas, Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, said that Uma Bharti was a priestess and that she would do well by permanently shunning politics and entering into the service of the Lord.

He added that Uma did not understand the politics of the people around her and only devotion to God "will bring her happiness and solace".

He also stated that he had nothing to say on Uma's march to Ayodhya. Instead he said that being a sadhu meant not being aligned to any political party."We help and honour whosoever contributes to the service of Lord Ram without considering his or her political affiliations."

Irnoically, the Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas is controlled by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad - a political party that advocates the policy of Hindutva.

The high priest added that he and other sadhus had earlier blessed the BJP, when it had extended support "to the cause of Lord Ram".

The statement would come as a blow to Uma who has been trying to project herself as the true icon of Hindutva.

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