Docu-drama throws light on honour killings
Docu-drama throws light on honour killings
Filmmaker Sonali Dutta Charlton found it difficult to ignore the spate of honour killings in Britain, so she made a gritty documentary.

New Delhi: Murders committed in the name of family honour are not new and filmmaker Sonali Dutta Charlton found it difficult to ignore the honour killings in Britain. Charlton's documentary film For love or Izzat based on the subject of honour killings, was screened in many parts of Britain before it was brought to India.

In 2003 a young Kurdish woman, Heshu Yones, was murdered by her father.

And what was worse, her father was given only a 14 years jail sentence, and was released in just 7.

It was this grotesque incident in suburban London that inspired the filmmaker to make a documentary film on honour killings in Britain.

"It was so terrible I thought this isssue of honour crime needs to be adressed," said Charlton.

Sonali in her docu-drama Love or Izzat tracks such crimes, generally a result of arranged or what she calls 'forced' marriages. The one hour documentary depicts the trauma of British Asian girls in London were they are forced into marriages by their parents and sent to Asian countries primarily to maintain the family honour.

For Love Or Izzat narrates the horrific experiences of some girls who manged to escape the clutches of their husbands in tiny towns and villages of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Despite drawing flak during the making of the documentary from British Asian Conservatives, the filmmker prefers to stick to her strong statement and fight against 'forced'marriages.

From here Charlton plans to move on to make a full-length feature film on the same issue. Featuring British Asian actresses the film is expected to go on floors next year.

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