Has Nicole turned Catholic again?
Has Nicole turned Catholic again?
After abandoning the faith H’wood actress is speculated to turn Catholic again after she attends mass at church.

London: Rumours are abuzz that Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman has turned Catholic again.

She was spotted attending a mass with her parents at her old church, Mary McKillop chapel in Sydney.

Kidman had abandoned the faith when she married actor Tom Cruise in a Scientology ceremony

However, she was reportedly back to following Catholic religion on the eve of her marriage to country singer Keith Urban.

"For Nicole, you know, this is a spiritual homecoming, coming back to the church and her faith in her old parish," Female First quoted the chapel's priest, father Paul Coleman, as saying.

It has been further claimed that the actress hopes to secure the church for her wedding to Urban later this month, after being granted an annulment for her previous marriage.

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