In Karnataka's Shinganmakki, Women Dig 7-foot-deep Well To Store Water Amid Drought
In Karnataka's Shinganmakki, Women Dig 7-foot-deep Well To Store Water Amid Drought
The women properly filter out the water from the well and they have been able to give clean water to everyone.

India is a country that faces extreme weather conditions. Certain places have extreme rainfall and others receive little to no rain throughout the year. Such extreme conditions tend to affect the land in these areas. During harsh summers, some areas of Rajasthan, Maharashtra and even Karnataka have faced drought-like situations for years. These places have dry areas and it becomes difficult for the local people to survive there. There have been innumerable cases where farmers were also affected by the droughts. The scarcity of water forces people to take extreme measures and use new ways to provide water to the locals. A similar situation has happened in North Karnataka where the locals have found their way to get water.

As the people of Shinganmakki in the Ankola district of Karnataka are facing a drought-like situation and are suffering from scarcity of even drinking water, they have decided to make the best of their available resources. The women in the area have dug a seven-foot-deep well that can store all the water for them to drink. They properly filter out the water as well and they have been able to give clean water to everyone. Now, water is continuously available here, and the problem of water shortage has been resolved with the construction of this well.

Shinganmakki is a small town with just 40 families. A stream named Gorgadde flows here. Earlier, during the rainy season, people used to store the water from the stream in pits. But as wells also have a cemented cover over them, the water can be protected from contamination. There are approximately ten such wells here and just one well can provide water to 100 families for drinking and cooking.

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