Iran says Russian plan could revive nuclear talks
Iran says Russian plan could revive nuclear talks
UN inspectors say Tehran has not proved that this is for peaceful purposes only.

Tehran: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad welcomed on Tuesday a Russian attempt to revive talks with six world powers that view its uranium enrichment programme as a potential pathway to nuclear weapons, but was vague about what the agenda should be.

"Iran welcomes the Russian proposal and is ready to take part in it by giving suggestions on how to cooperate," he said after talks with Russian Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Earlier, Saeed Jalili, secretary general of Iran's National Security Council, told state broadcaster IRIB that Moscow's proposal details of which have not been made public could be used to re-launch the talks that stalled in January.

"Our Russian friends' suggestion could be a basis for starting talks for regional and international cooperation especially in the field of peaceful nuclear activities,"

"Talks on cooperation can be a good strategy," he added.

Jalili's remarks gave no indication that his country was now prepared to address what the powers see as the crucial concern, Iran's uranium enrichment activities. UN inspectors say Tehran has not proved that this is for peaceful purposes only.

Talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France, plus Germany (known as the EU3+3 or P5+1) in Istanbul in January foundered when Iran insisted on having what it says is its right to produce nuclear fuel recognised.

Since then, Iran has vowed to increase its enrichment drive and shift its production of higher grade fuel to an underground bunker that would be less vulnerable to a military strike.

With Israel and Washington keeping open the possibility of pre-emptive strikes on Iran to stop it getting nuclear weapons, negotiations are a possible way of avoiding military action that would have dire consequences and inflame the Middle East.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. President Barack Obama in July of Moscow's "step-by-step" approach under which Iran could address questions about its nuclear programme and be rewarded with a gradual easing of sanctions.

"We and the six countries as seven countries can create the grounds for cooperation through this strategy," Jalili said.

"We have been talking about multifaceted cooperation. In particular we spoke about Iran's nuclear problem and the need to cooperate with IAEA and the sextet. The Iranian side welcomed proposals made by the Russian side," Patrushev was quoted by the Russian news agencies as saying.

While Iran plays down the "nuclear" aspect of talks, saying the negotiations are meant to cover a wide range of issues, the Western focus has always been Iran's atomic activities.

Iran says they are intended only to run a future network of civilian nuclear power plants as another source of energy for its burgeoning population so it can export more oil, and for medical and agricultural applications.

Many countries fear Iran is secretly bent on developing nuclear weapons capability, pointing to its past concealment of sensitive nuclear work and continued curbs on access for International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors.

Any new talks are likely to focus on concerns about Iran's nuclear enrichment which a U.N. Security Council resolution requires it to stop but which Tehran says it is entitled to pursue as a member of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Iran's decision last year to raise the level of enrichment from the 3.5 percent fissile purity needed for power plant fuel to 20 percent alarmed countries that saw this as a notable step towards the 90 percent threshold required for bombs.

The United States has cautiously welcomed Russia's overture to the Islamic Republic, but says it will continue a "dual approach" of sanctions pressure and the possibility of talks.

"We welcome any Russian effort to persuade Iran that it's time to change course and meet its international obligations," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said on Monday.

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