It's a dog's life, for pet and master
It's a dog's life, for pet and master
According to a survey, more than a quarter of all dogs in Britain are as stressed out as their over-worked owners.

LONDON According to a survey, more than a quarter of all dogs in Britain are as stressed out as their over-worked owners, and a third are prone to vomiting or have diarrhoea as a result of neglect.

"Dogs are very sensitive to their owners' moods and pick up on when they are unhappy, unwell or under pressure," said Chris Price, business manager with Direct Line Pet Insurance.

The survey found 26 per cent of more than 1,100 dog owners who were polled believed their furry friends are suffering from stress and 53 per cent described their own lives as being stressful.

More than half of the survey's respondents felt they do not spend adequate time with their canine companions.

"The number of people living alone has increased greatly over the last 20 years and we are working ever-longer hours," said Roger Mugford, a pet behaviourist.

"Dogs are social creatures who need the contact of humans or other animals, and this is having a negative impact on their psychological wellbeing," he added.

Mugford said that nine out of 10 dogs that he treats do not have enough contact with people.

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