Kolkata Police Officer Helps Doctor Reach Nursing Home, Perform Surgery on Time
Kolkata Police Officer Helps Doctor Reach Nursing Home, Perform Surgery on Time
This incident is certainly a memorable one when it comes to understanding the role of any police in helping people.

East traffic guard Sergeant Snehashish Mukherjee was on duty at the corner of Park Circus around 7:30 pm on Wednesday. He was trying his best to control the unruly traffic when he got a call from a sergeant, who informed him that a woman was waiting in front of a nearby restaurant, and was faced with some trouble. He immediately got up and arrived at the place.

Upon reaching the location, he got to know that the woman’s name was Dr Mita Bhattacharya, and she was a resident of Raipur. Her scooter broke down at the corner of Park Circus. The doctor was pressed for time since she was rushing to a nursing home in Park Street, where a critically ill patient was awaiting surgery. When her scooter broke down, the doctors at her hospital called the Lalbazar police station.

The Lalbazar control room immediately took note and passed on the information to Snehasis, directing him to help her. Understanding the matter, Sergeant Snehashish left for the nursing home with Dr Mita Bhattacharya without wasting a single minute and reaching there within time.

Upon reaching the hospital, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief. Sometime later, the news came that the operation was successful and the patient is absolutely fine now. Dr Bhattacharya thanked the Kolkata Police for their timely and prompt assistance.

Everybody, including Sergeant Snehasis, was overjoyed and relieved to hear it. This incident is a memorable one when it comes to understanding the role of any police in helping people.

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