Land Issues: All pending cases to be disposed of
Land Issues: All pending cases to be disposed of
BHUBANESWAR: The State Government has decided to increase the productive capacity of the Forest Rights Act, 2006, by convergence o..

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government has decided to increase the productive capacity of the Forest Rights Act, 2006, by convergence of different poverty-eradication, livelihood and land-based capacity building programmes. A decision has also been taken to dispose of all pending cases relating to the claims of individual rights by July-end at the level of the district collectors.  Sources said Chief Secretary Bijay Kumar Patnaik has directed all the collectors to act accordingly in this regard.  They have been advised to cover all land title holders under the Act in the development of land through Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) , subsidy-based horticultural activities, cash crops and watershed schemes. The progress regarding implementation of the Forest Rights Act in different districts was also reviewed recently.  Available data reflects that up to last month 2,76,587 individual claims have been approved and out of them 2,70,119 families have been distributed the land titles conferring their right over the land.  This achievement has taken the State to number one position at national level.  Besides, 16,977 families belonging to primitive tribal communities have also been given land titles.  Out of the beneficiaries, 53,946 families have been covered under different poverty eradication programmes.  The Chief Secretary has directed the collectors to intensify convergence of different programmes at field level so as to provide sustainable livelihood to the beneficiaries.

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