The Ninth District Cabinet Installation of the Lions Clubs International District 316E was held at Kalyana Laxmi Gardens at Nagole here on Monday.
A.Linga Reddy, district governor, said in his key-note address that Lions Clubs focused on environmental protection, uplift of the less privileged sections of society, education and literacy, health, blood donation and eye donation. This year’s theme, ‘Go Green, Save Lives’, was in tune with this objective, he said.
Linga Reddy distributed wheelchairs, sewing machines, etc, to the needy and donated Rs 6 lakh for child education under the scheme, Vidya Yagnam. He said there were plans to provide vocational training to unemployed youth.
G.Raghava Reddy, VHP International president, was the cief guest. He spoke on the values and importance of service, and praised Lions Clubs for rendering sincere and committed service to various sections of society.
A brochure on blood donation brought out by Shakeel Ahmed, Lions District PRO, and P.Ravindranath Gupta, district chairman, Blood Donation, was released.
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