Make city carbon-neutral
Make city carbon-neutral
KOCHI: In order to ensure an environment-friendly future for the city, we have to become carbon-neutral. CUSAT VC Ramachandran The..

KOCHI: In order to ensure an environment-friendly future for the city, we have to become carbon-neutral. CUSAT VC Ramachandran Thekkedath,  suggests measures to be taken to ensure a green future for Kochi as part of the Green Kochi initiative of the City Express.By bringing down the carbon footprints (measure of greenhouse gases) left after each of our actions, we can not only contribute towards a greener Kochi but also a greener world. A ‘green’ movement should not be restricted to trees alone. It should include green buildings and green transport as well, ie, those which consume minimum power and resources and generate minimum waste. For all this, there are various technologies available in the market. Each individual can contribute to this by using bicycles instead of cars or bikes to cover short distances - this is a healthier alternative by all means. People should also use public transport more frequently.This does not mean that the policy makers can be let off the hook. It is up to them to ensure that all roads have a motorable cycle bay and also good footpaths. These are medium-term measures to be adopted. As a long-term initiative, the government should aim at providing free public transport in order to encourage people to reduce the use of private vehicles.Another method to reduce pollution is by adopting scientific methods of waste disposal. The lack of the same is a major issue in Kochi. If effective waste management measures are not adopted on time, our city will become a major emitter of greenhouse gases.

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