Man Booked in UP for Divorcing Wife Through 'Triple Talaq'
Man Booked in UP for Divorcing Wife Through 'Triple Talaq'
Sabir and Zainab, both in their mid-30s, have four children. The couple would frequently have fights and disputes, said an official of the Dadri police station where the matter was reported.

Noida: A man allegedly divorced his wife through "triple talaq" and threw her out of the house after a heated argument broke out between them when she asked for money to buy vegetables in Greater Noida, police said Monday.

Sabir and Zainab, both in their mid-30s, have four children. The couple would frequently have fights and disputes, said an official of the Dadri police station where the matter was reported.

The incident took place on June 29 when Sabir got furious after Zainab asked for money to buy vegetables, police said, citing eyewitness accounts of the case.

"The woman was at her parents' house for some time. On June 28, she returned home to Sabir, who was angry over her frequent visits to her parents. The next day the couple had a heated argument over money and the husband yelled 'talaq' thrice at her," the official said.

Soon Zainab's parents arrived at the couple's residence and tried to resolve the matter but to no avail. They later approached the police and a case was registered against Sabir on allegations of domestic violence and others, he said.

Sabir and his family members have been booked under various sections of the IPC, including 498A (Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty), the official said.

"Sabir was immediately arrested and produced before a magistrate, who granted him bail after a challan under section 151 of the CrPC," he added.

The official said that in cases of marital discord that lead to separation in a fit of rage, a couple is referred to a counsellor with hope of their amicable reunion. "Also, we are probing the case because an FIR has been registered and the woman has alleged violence by her husband," he added.

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