London: It is no more a man's world and a majority of men firmly believe that the world is dominated by "the better half" and that they have lost their traditional role in society, a research indicates.
About 52 per cent of survey participants said that men have to live according to women's rules. Asked what it means to be a man in the 21st century, more than half said the society tries to feminise them, turning them into waxed and coiffed metrosexuals.
The research also showed that just as many women feel their work-life balance has been stretched to breaking point.
Men say they "feel handcuffed" by political correctness - only 33 per cent feel they can speak freely and say what they think, whereas two thirds find it safer and easier to keep their opinions to themselves.
About 2,000 men and women were polled on the Internet across 10 television regions for a survey commissioned by DMAX, a television entertainment channel.
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